In this event, world-renowned philosopher Luce Irigaray will speak about her new book, which reflects upon the nature of human existence through an analysis of birth. Examining the mysteries of human origins, Irigaray will discuss the ways in which, despite the accidents of our birth, we can take responsibility for our own lives. Respondents Tanja Staehler and Mahon O'Brien will consider the philosophical, practical, and political implications of Irigaray's claims.
Luce Irigarary is Director of Research in Philosophy (CNRS) and feminist, philosopher, and cultural theorist. Her latest book is To Be Born.
Mahon O’Brien (@Mahon_O_Brien) is a Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Sussex.
Tanja Staehler is Reader in Philosophy at the University of Sussex.
Danielle Sands (@DanielleCSands) is a lecturer in Comparative Literature and Culture at Royal Holloway, University of London and a Forum for European Philosophy Fellow.
The Forum for European Philosophy (@ForumPhilosophy) is an educational charity that organises a full and varied programme of philosophy and interdisciplinary events in the UK.
Suggested Twitter hashtag for this event: #LSELitFest
This event forms part of the LSE Space for Thought Literary Festival 2017, taking place from Monday 20 - Saturday 25 February 2017, with the theme 'Revolutions'.
A podcast of this event is available to download from To Be Born: Birth, existence and responsibility
Podcasts and videos of many LSE events can be found at the LSE Public Lectures and Events: podcasts and videos channel.