The LSE Law Families Scheme


The LSE Law Families scheme is a new opportunity for LLB students to get to know one another, and to help support each other through their LLB journey at LSE.  The LSE SU Law Society initiated the Law Families mentoring scheme, and has since collaborated with the LSE Law Department to support and drive it for the LSE Law LLB community.

All LLB students from will be allocated to one of the six LSE Law Family groups.  These are called: Bailey, Lincoln, Grey, Temple, Justice and Crown.

Each Family is encouraged to meet in a few weeks’ time to elect a Family Committee to discuss events which they might like to organise during the academic year.  The Department will provide funding towards social events, and will also run a competition to see which Family can fundraise the most money for a charitable cause. Within each Family there are mentoring opportunities for first year students with second and third years. 

The LSE Law Families Scheme is a student led initiative, and students are all encouraged to develop their own family tradition in the way they would most like!

First year students should have already received an email telling them to which Family they belong.  Second and third LLB students – stay tuned for finding out yours!