
Poster Session

The 21st Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization will hold a poster session. The poster session is open to everybody but we particularly welcome posters from Ph.D. students and Postdocs on research in any of the IPCO topics.

In order to present a poster, authors must email the following information to e.farooq@lse.ac.uk by May 4, 2020:

- Author(s)
- A title
- A short abstract
- The name of the participant presenting the poster (one of the authors)

The number of posters accepted is subject to the number of available poster slots. In addition, the organizing committee reserves the right to turn down submissions deemed out of scope. Poster slots will be confirmed shortly after submission. If any slots remain, submissions received after the deadline may be considered at the discretion of the committee.

Poster format: We recommend using the vertical A0 format (1189 X 841 mm) or the ANSI E format (1118 × 864 mm).