Get Involved Forum 2025

PfAL Forum

Getting to know the network, strengthening bonds, sharing ideas

It was thrilling to meet fellows from other cohorts and share experiences with them. Most of all, it was interesting to see how passionate the participants were about the programme.
Pfal forum-747x420,partyPfAL alumni perform a traditional dance during the 2016 forum in Kampala, Uganda

The Forum is a platform for professionals at different stages of their careers to connect and discuss issues facing different generations, such as governance challenges and economic growth, and identify solutions together.

The first Forum was held in Munyonyo, Uganda in January 2016. Members from all cohorts gathered to discuss youth empowerment and how to promote African intellectualism. The second Forum took place in September 2018 in Mombasa, Kenya. Building on the themes of the previous Forum, the 2018 edition sought to inspire, empower and connect emerging leaders to take on the biggest challenges in their communities, countries and continent.

The vision for the 2025 Forum is to bring together the different generations on African soil to platform cross-generational discourse on how to tackle issues on the African continent related to economic empowerment, good governance, growth and development to realise the Pan-African vision.

It is the aim of the Forum to build a strong network of leaders and developing leaders across Africa who can challenge each other and work together.

To realise this mandate, the Institute is keen to partner with organisations and institutions who share the same vision.

Happy Pfalers
PfAL Graduation 2019 : The overwhelming joy of completing an LSE degree

For those who were not able to join us in Mombasa, the PfAL team created an incredible video of highlights to give you a feeling of what it was like to be there.  

Pfal Forum 2018 Pfal Forum 2018
Video by:Un Peu Plus Loin


Meet Firoz Lalji: Founder of PfAL

Firoz-Lalji-PfAL Website Updates

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Programme for African Leadership, Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa, 8th Floor, Pethick-Lawrence House, Clement's Inn, London, WC2A 2AE

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