
Confronting Gender Inequality: findings from the LSE Commission on Gender, Inequality and Power

Hosted by Gender Institute, LSE Law, and LSE Government

Old Theatre, Old Building,


Shami Chakrabarti

Rebecca Omonira-Oyekanmi

Anne Perkins


Professor Tim Besley

The LSE Commission on Gender, Inequality and Power will present their findings at this public debate, and copies of the Final Report will be available for attendees. Examining persisting inequalities between women and men in the UK, the Commission has focused on the media, the economic sphere, political life, and the legal profession. Commission findings on current gender inequalities and ways forward will be debated by the high-profile panel and with the audience. How interconnected are inequalities in these sites? How will austerity policies impact on gender inequality? And what can be done to improve the position of women and girls in the UK? 

Shami Chakrabarti is Director of Liberty and one of the UK’s most influential human rights campaigners; auathor of On Liberty, she was a member of the LSE Commission on Gender, Inequality and Power.

Rebecca Omonira-Oyekanmi (@Rebecca_Omonira) is a freelance journalist who has worked on the Commission and has been published by the New Statesman, the Guardian, and Open Democracy, among others.

Anne Perkins (@perkinscomment)  is an editorial and comment writer for the Guardian, where she began work as a political correspondent in 1997.  Previously, she had been a lobby correspondent for both the BBC and for Channel Four News. 

Tim Besley is School Professor of Economics and Political Science, and W. Arthur Lewis Professor of Development Economics at LSE.

The Gender Institute (@lsegendertweet) was established in 1993 to address the major intellectual challenges posed by contemporary changes in gender relations. This remains a central aim of the Institute today, which is the largest research and teaching unit of its kind in Europe. 

LSE Law (@lselaw) is an integral part of the School's mission, plays a major role in policy debates & in the education of lawyers and law teachers from around the world.

The Department of Government (@LSEGovernment) at LSE is one of the largest political science departments in the UK. Its activities cover a comprehensive range of approaches to the study of politics.

Download a copy of the LSE Commission on Gender, Inequality and Power report (pdf).

The press release for the LSE Commission on Gender Inequality and Power can be found at Gender inequality is rife and "trivialised" finds LSE Commission.

Suggested hashtag for this event for Twitter users: #LSEtalksGender


View a summary of this event in tweets via Storify, Confronting Gender Inequality: findings from the LSE Commission on Gender, Inequality and Power.

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