Dr Helene Johansen

PhD alumni

Department of Media and Communications

About me

Thesis title: Re-conceptualising party-centred politics in terms of services markets: a relationship marketing approach (2007)

Supervisors: Margaret Scammell and Robin Mansell

This study aims to contribute new theory to the new field of political marketing. We investigate the differences between candidate-centred and party-centred political systems, and examine the possibilities for re-conceptualising the latter spheres in terms of services markets with the help of relationship marketing theory.

I have a BSc in Economics and Marketing from the Norwegian School of Marketing and Business Studies (BI-NMH) in Oslo. This I later topped up with a one year course in PR and Communications at Oppland College, Lillehammer, Norway and a one year course in Psychology at the University of Oslo, and I completed my MSc in Media and Communications at the LSE in 2001. I have nearly twenty years of work experience from the business sector – ten of which in leadership positions and five as a self-employed management consultant working with both public and private sector organisations. From the summer of 2003 I have held a full-time associate professorship at Bodø Graduate School of Business in Norway whilst pursuing my doctoral research at the LSE on a part-time basis.

My main research interests include relational perspectives on marketing in general, public sector marketing and political marketing and the interface between these two areas, and the impact of market-driven media on the conduct of politics.

Contact: helene.p.johansen@hibo.no