Dr Dorottya Sallai

Dr Dorottya Sallai

Associate Professor (Education) of Management

Department of Management

Room No
MAR 4.10
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Key Expertise
AI; Organisational Change; Lobbying, State-firm relations, Negotiations

About me

Dr Dorottya Sallai is an education-focused academic with a PhD in Management. She leads core and optional courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and teaches in executive and summer courses. She received the LSE Student Union’s Outstanding Teaching Award in 2023.

She is the Department of Management’s Education and Assessment Innovation Lead, Chair of the AI Working Group and member of LSE’s AI and Education Working Group. Her work in management education focuses on innovation and the integration of digital technologies and AI into in teaching, learning, and assessment practices. Funded by grants and developmental fellowships she has introduced several innovative practices in her teaching, including the use of simulation games.

In her current project ‘AI in Teaching Change Management’, funded by the Eden Development Fellowship (2024), she works in collaboration with undergraduate and postgraduate students to explore the implications of AI on student learning and ethical ways of integrating AI into course design and assessment. Dr Sallai is a core member of ‘GENerative AI Tools as a Catalyst for Learning’ (Genial) project team, investigating how students across LSE use AI for their learning.

In her disciplinary research Dr Sallai investigates state-firm relations and the impact of the political context on firms and national business systems. Her work is published in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of International Management, Business and Society, the Journal of International Business Policy, Competition and Change and the Journal of Common Market Studies. Her book chapters on multinationals' non-market strategies were published by Oxford University Press and Palgrave Macmillan. Her work as work package leader in the project ‘Populist Backlash, Democratic Backsliding, and the Crisis of the Rule of Law in the European Union (POPBACK)’ was funded by Norface.  

Dr Sallai has extensive management and consulting experience. She has been working with private and public sector organisations as well as the European Commission and the European Parliament, providing consultancy in EU-affairs, public policy, EU funding management and pan-European evaluation and research projects.

She is an affiliate of LSE’s Data Science Institute, member of the Editorial Board at LSE Press, and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Organisational Behaviour Faculty Research Group

Courses: Leading Organisational Change, Organisational Behaviour and Leadership, Bargaining and Negotiations and Nonmarket Strategies.



Sallai, Dorottya; Morgan, Glenn; Feldmann, Magnus; Gomes, Marcus and Spicer, Andrew (2024) Social challenges for business in the age of populism. Business & Society, 63 (2). 279 - 299. ISSN 0007-6503

Sallai, Dorottya; Schnyder, Gerhard; Kinderman, Daniel and Nölke, Andreas (2023) The antecedents of MNC political risk and uncertainty under right-wing populist governments. Journal of International Business Policy. ISSN 2522-0691

Ricz, Judit; Sallai, Dorottya and Sass, Magdolna (2024) The role of the state in shaping the internationalization of firms in the twenty-first century. Competition and Change. ISSN 1024-5294

Schnyder, Gerhard and Sallai, Dorottya (2020) Between a rock and a hard place: internal- and external institutional fit of MNE subsidiary political strategy in contexts of institutional upheaval. Journal of International Management, 26 (2). ISSN 1075-4253

Sallai, Dorottya and Schnyder, Gerhard (2020) What is “authoritarian” about authoritarian capitalism? The dual erosion of the private-public divide in state-dominated business systems. Business and Society Review. ISSN 0045-3609

Sallai, Dorottya (2013) European union lobbying and the golden cage of post-socialist network capitalism in Hungary. Journal of Common Market Studies, 51 (5). pp. 948-964. ISSN 0021-9886

 Blog Entries:

Sallai, Dorottya; Gyger, Annina C.; Francisco, Julio Ignacio Benitez; Chaudhuri, Arundhati; Bengham, Soloman; Farley, Meagan; Nwokedi, Ada Onyinye and Singh, Rashmi (2024) Embracing GenAI in Higher Education: A Change Journey Through the Eyes of Educators and Students. Management with Impact Blog (01 August 2024).

Sallai, Dorottya (2024) Assessment and curriculum design can’t ignore how students use AI. Initially posted in Times Higher Education (23 July 2024). Reposted on Management with Impact Blog with the author's permission (09 August 2024).

Sallai, Dorottya (2024) A Human-Centred Approach to AI Transformation. Management with Impact Blog (09 May 2024).

Sallai, Dorottya, Calin, Olimpia and Ibáñez, Camila (2023) Leading Organisational Change: Teaching and Learning with Simulation Games. Management (05 Sep 2023).

Sallai, Dorottya (2023) Levelling up management education: how to power student success with simulation games. Management (01 Sep 2023).

Sallai, Dorottya and Schnyder, Gerhard (2023) How multinationals survive populist governments. LSE Business Review (11 May 2023).

Sallai, Dorottya; Gomes, Marcus; Feldmann, Magnus; Morgan, Glenn, & Spicer, Andrew (2021), Social Challenges for Business in the Age of Populism, Business and Society, (21 November 2021).

Sallai, Dorottya and Schnyder, Gerhard (2021) What makes a capitalist system authoritarian? Business and Society, (14 December 2021).

Sallai, Dorottya (2021) On the Bookshelf, with Dorottya Sallai and Barbara Kiviat, Book Review: The Class Ceiling: Why it Pays to be Privileged, by Sam Friedman and Daniel Laurison (Policy Press, 2020), Blog Entry.

Sallai, Dorottya and Schnyder, Gerhard (2020) The return of the visible hand: How struggles for economic and political dominance turn state capitalism into authoritarian capitalism, 20 August 2020, Developing Economics. 

Sallai, Dorottya and Schnyder, Gerhard (2018) Is the EU subsidising autocracies? Hungary and the rise of the ‘illiberal’ model. The Conversation (12 January 2018) Blog Entry.

 Book Sections:

Sallai, Dorottya (2023) Populists in power: the impact on interest representation and firm-level nonmarket strategies. In: Feldmann, Magnus and Morgan, Glenn, (eds.) Business and Populism: The Odd Couple? Oxford University Press, 285 – 306. ISBN 9780192894335

Sallai, Dorottya (2022) Professional large group mentoring as an alternative to the ‘traditional’ personal tutoring system. In: Lochtie, Dave, Stork, Andrew and Walker, Ben W., (eds.) The Higher Education Personal Tutor’s and Advisor’s Companion: Translating Theory into Practice to Improve Student Success. Critical Publishing, St Albans, UK, 135 - 141. ISBN 9781913453459

Sallai, Dorottya (2019) Non-market strategies within conflicting institutional pressures: The case of western multinationals in a post-socialist context. In: Shirodkar, Vikrant, Strange, Roger and McGuire, Steven, (eds.) Non-Market Strategies in International Business: how MNEs capture value through their political, social and environmental strategies. The Academy of International Business. Springer Nature (Firm), Cham, pp. 19-39. ISBN 9783030350741

Expertise Details

AI; Leading Organisational Change; Innovative Teaching; Lobbying; Management Education; State-firm relations; Capitalism; Populism