Pharmaceutical Reimbursement Policy in Turkey

September 2005

Pharmaceutical Reimbursement Policy in Turkey

The main objective of the healthcare system is to improve the health status of the Turkish community. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to ensure equity, increase productivity, improve the quality of services provided and guarantee patient satisfaction, as well as ensure the continuity of healthcare service provision. For this purpose, there is always a need for evidence based information so as to use available sources effectively and efficiently to attain improved healthcare outcomes.

The Turkish people have waited for several years for equitable and improved access to quality health care services. Within this context, the government’s Transformation in Health Programme is a momentous policy initiative and is expected to set things in motion in the desired direction of sickness fund consolidation, improved access and equity. It is obvious that all stakeholders in this sector should contribute to this process through constructive dialogue and evidence-based study. Non-governmental organisations also have an important role to play in this issue. 

Within this context, the New Hope in Health Foundation (SUVAK) has conducted a comprehensive study on “Pharmaceutical Reimbursement Policy in Turkey” with the participation of and contribution from national and international experts. This study analyses the pharmaceutical policy environment from a Turkish and international perspective and proposes pharmaceutical reimbursement policy reform options in Turkey. Its objective is to contribute to the health care policy determination process by expanding the available evidence base and provide scientifically documented analysis.