Join Jake Subryan Richards as he discusses the research and creative process behind the award-winning Black Atlantic exhibition at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge.
Meet our speaker and chair
Jake Subryan Richards (@Jake_S_Richards) is Assistant Professor in the Department of International History at LSE. He is a historian of law, empire, and the African diaspora in the Atlantic world. His research concerns how enslaved and free people interacted with law in a world structured by Atlantic empires. His first book project analyzes the history of the suppression of the transatlantic trade in enslaved African people. The book investigates the legal status attributed to people ‘liberated’ from slaving ships by naval patrols and subjected to bonded apprenticeship. He has published his research in Past and Present, Comparative Studies in Society and History, and Modern Intellectual History.
Larry Kramer has been President and Vice Chancellor of LSE since April 2024. A constitutional scholar, university administrator, and philanthropic leader, he was previously the President of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Dean of Stanford Law School.
More about this event
This event celebrates Black History Month and is hosted in partnership with the the London School of Economics Students' Union (@lsesu).
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