
What's related > Best practice for web pages: summary

NEW 2009 To all web editors:
See important new website about the migration of LSE websites into the Content Management System: CMS: migration

Archive of FrontPage 'Headings' information:

Headings reveal the logical structure of a page. Starting with the main heading, this logical structure should follow a hierarchy.

The main heading is always set to Heading 2, thereby allowing four levels of heading beneath it: Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5, and Heading 6.

The main heading is always at the top left of the page and left unformatted.

All headings should use sentence case where possible - see the LSE editorial web style guide

On the LSE website, headings set to Heading 3 are used to automatically generate a 'Page contents' list at the top of the page when the page is 'baked'.

For example, the Help page uses three levels of heading: the main heading (Heading 2); three subheadings (Heading 3); and four sub-subheadings (Heading 4). Headings set to Heading 3 are automatically added to a page contents list at the top of the page once the page has been processed by 'baking'.

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