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(1991): Technikfolgenabschätzung - Wechselwirkungen zwischen Arbeit, Technik und Freizeit, VDI Technologiezentrum, Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie, Düsseldorf. Garhammer, M. (1992?), Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken im privaten Haushalt und Zeitnutzung, Zusammenfassung des Beitrags für den Workshop 'Technik und Familie - Gestern, heute und morgen' 3. Economy Cawson, A. (1987): The Teletext Initiative in Britain: The Anatomy of Successful Neo- Corporatists Policy-Making, ECPR workshop on Meso-Corporatism, Amsterdam, April Miles, I. (1993): Bringing Computer Power to the Consumer Market, in: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol.5, No.2, pp.151-171 (2 copies) 4. Family Buckingham, D. (1991): Intruder in the House. The Regulation of Children's Viewing in the Home, paper presented to the Fourth International Television Studies Conference, London, July Gunter, B. & Svennevig, M. (1987): Behind and in Front of the Screen: Television's involvement with family life, J.Libbey & Co.Ltd., London Mollenkopf, H. (1990): Choix Techniques et Types de Famille - Les Technologies dans la Vie Quotidienne Familiale, paper for the International Colloquium 'Les Technologies de la Vie Quotidienne' 1-3 February, 1990 in Paris, working paper Nr.11 (2 copies) Mollenkopf, H., Hampel, J., Weber, U. (1989): Technik im familialen Alltag. Zur Analyse familienspezifischer Aneignungsmuster, in: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg.18, No.5, October, pp.378-391 Vestby, G.M. (1993): Constructing Childhood: Children Interacting with Technology, paper for the workshop 'Domestic Technology and Everyday Life - Mutual Shaping Processes?, Trondheim, October 5. Policies Hudson, H. (1994): Universal Service in the Information Age, in: Telecommunications Policy, Vol.18 (8), pp.658-667 Kline, S.J. & Kash, D.E. (1993): 'Technology Policy: What Should It Do?', in: Teich, A.H. (ed.) (1993): Technology and the Future, St. Martin's Press, New York, pp.366-383 Schmietainski, A. & Weis, B.X.: A Framework for the Analysis of the Demand for Future Telecommunication Services, Alcatel SEL, Germany 6. Everyday Life Allan, G. (1994): 'Making the Everyday', in: Research in Philosophy and Technology, Vol.14 (Technology and Everyday Life), pp.175-188 Aune, M.: The Computer in Everyday Life - the domestication of a new technology, paper Braun, I. (1994): 'The Technology-Culture Spiral: Three Examples of Technological developments in Everyday Life', in: Research in Philosophy and Technology, Vol.14 (Technology and Everyday Life), pp.93-118 Gullestad, M. (1990): The Transformation of the Norwegain Notion of Everyday Life, paper to be published in: American Ethnologist, in press 1990 Limper, P. (1994): 'Albert Borgmann and John Dewey on Everyday Technology', in: Research in Philosophy and Technology, Vol.14 (Technology and Everyday Life), pp.27-43 Maffesloi, M. (ed.) (1989): The Sociology of Everyday Life, in: Current Sociology - The Journal of the International Sociological Association, Vol.37, No.1, Spring Miles, I. (1988): Home Informatics - Information Technology and the Transformation of Everyday Life, Pinter Publishers, London and New York Moores, S. (1988): 'The box on the dresser': memories of early radio and everyday life, in: Media, Culture and Society, Vol.10, pp.23-40 Paul, G. (1991): Selfimages and Approaches Towards Life Among Young Computer fans in Germany, in: Monsi, K. (ed.): The Private Household in Technology Research, papers of the French-German workshop, Paris, 6-7 December, 1990, Arbeitspapier No.10, IWT, Wuppertal, pp.25-30 Rammert, W. (1987): The Crises of Everyday Life and the Computer, Arbeitsbericht Nr. 26, FSP 'Zukunft der Arbeit, Universität Bielefeld Robins, K. & Webster, F. (1988): Cybernetic Capitalism: Information, Technology, Everyday Life, in: Mosco, V. & Wasko, J. (eds.) (1988): The Political Economy of Information, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison/London, pp.44-75 7. Public Sphere Hadden, S.G. & Lenert, E. (1995): Telecommunications networks are not VCRs: the public nature of new information technologies for universal service, in: Media, Culture & Society, Vol.17, pp.121-140 Sachs, H. (1995): Computer networks and the formation of public opinion: an ethnographic study, in: Media, Culture & Society, Vol.17, pp.81-99 8. The Market Cameron, D. (1994): The Internet: A Global Business Opportunity, a report by the Computer Technology Research Corporation, Charleston, South Carolina Lavery, M. & Templeton, A. (1993): Flexible Working with Information Technology: The Business Opportunity (extracts), a report published by Ovum, London Imformation Market Observatory (IMO) (1995): The Emergence of a Mass Multimedia Market, IMO Working Paper 95/6, Luxembourg, December 1995 Matthews, J. & Darabi, F. (1994): The Local Loop: Market, technical & regulatory strategies (extracts), a report published by Ovum, London XII. The Future 1. Virtual Reality Rheingold, H. (1993): Virtual Reality and Teledildonics, in: Teich, A.H. (ed.) (1993): Technology and the Future, St. Martin's Press, New York, pp.350-365 2. Internet / Virtual Communities Baym, N.K. (1995): The Emergence of Community in Computer-Mediated Communication, in: Jones, S.G. (ed.): CybersSociety - Computer-Mediated Communication and Community, Sage, Thousand Oaks, London, New Dehli, pp.138-163 Jones, S.G. (1995): Understanding Community in the Information Age, in: Jones, S.G. (ed.): CybersSociety - Computer-Mediated Communication and Community, Sage, Thousand Oaks, London, New Dehli, pp.10-35 XIII. General issues 1. Research methodologies Wengraf, T. (1990): Documenting domestic culture by ethnographic interview, in: Putnam, T. & Newton, C. (eds.): Household Choices, Futures Publications, London, pp.129-137 (?) Missing: Williams, R. & Edge, D. (1991): The social shaping of technology: a review of UK research concepts, findings, programmes and centres, UK Country report to international conference on social and institutional factors shaping technological development, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, 27-28 May Aoki, K. (1994): Virtual Communities in Japan, paper presented at the Pacific Telecommunications Council 1994 Conference, paper found on the Web (http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/communications/papers/Virtual-Communities-in-Japan) Beamish, A.: Communities On-Line: Community-Based Computer Networks, Chapter1, paper found on the Web (http://alberti.mit.edu/arch/4.207/anneb/thesis/background.html#definitions) Famer, F.R.: Social Dimensions of Habitat Citizenry, paper found on the Web (http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/communications/papers/habitat/citizenry.txt) Kollock, P. & Smith, M. (1994): Managing the Virtual Commons: Cooperation and Conflict in Computer Communities, paper found on the Web (http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/soc/csoc/vcommons.htm) Lawley, E.L.: The Sociology of Culture in Computer-Mediated Communication: An Initial Exploration, paper found on the Web (http://www.itcs.com/elawley/bourdieu.html) Reid, E.M. (1991): Electropolis: Communication and Community on -Internet Relay Chat, paper found on the Web (gopher://wiretap.spies.com:70/00/Library/Cyber/electrop.txt) Thomas, G. (1990): Advanced Interactive Services - Opportunities and Constraints, Report prepared for British Telecom Research Laboratories - Videotex Terminal Technology Group, SPRU, University of Sussex, April EMTEL-LIBRARY 24