IV.2. Books: Cawson, A., Haddon, L. & Miles, I. (1995): The Shape of Things to Consume: Bringing Information Technology into the Home, Avebury, Aldershot/London Meyer, S. & Schulze, E.(1994): Alles automatisch - Technikfolgen für Familien. Längsschnittanalysen und zukünftige Entwicklung, edition sigma, Berlin Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (eds.) (1993): Technisiertes Familienleben - Blick zurück und nach vorn, Edition Sigma, Berlin Parés I Maicas, M. (1992): Introduccioán a la Comunicacioán Social, PPU, Barcelona Parés I Maicas, M. (1994): La Nueva Filantropía y la Comunicacioán Social: Mecenazgo, Fundacioán y Patrocinio, PPU, Barcelona Silverstone, R. (1994): Television and Everyday Life, Routledge, London and New York Silverstone, R. & Hirsch, E. (1992): Consuming Technologies: Media and Information in Domestic Spaces, Routledge, London and New York IV.3. EMTEL-affiliated partners: Legey, L.-R. I. (1992): The Diffusion of Online Information Services in Brazil, paper prepared for IAMCR International Association of Mass Communication Research Conference, Guaruja, Brazil, August Minon, M. & Pichault, F.: Information Highways versus Competition - A critical view on the Bangemann Report, LENTIC, Ličge (2 copies) Risquete Sánchez, J. (1993): Bibliografia - Les Noves Tecnologies i la Comunicació Audiovisual, Facultat de Cičncies de la Comunicació, Universitat Autonňma de Barcelona Vershinskaya, O. (1995): Impact of Modern Information Technology on the Life Style of Russian Families, paper prepared for the PICT International Conference on the Social and Economic Implications of Information and Communication Technologies, Westminster, London, 10-12 May Vershinskaya, O. (ed.) (1993): Informatization in Social Sphere, proceedings of the Russian-English seminar, Institute for Population Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Avraamova, H. & Vershinskaya, O.: International Research on Technologies and Families (49 pages - old version) Avraamova, H. & Vershinskaya, O.: International Research on Technologies and Families (Information technologies in Russian Families) (43 pages - new version) Avraamova, H. & Vershinskaya, O.: International Research on Technologies and Families (Information technologies in Russian Families) (18 pages - short version) Reseaux - Communication Technologie Société, le catalogue 1983-1994, CNET, February 1995 V. E.C./E.U. Publications Telematics for Flexible and Distance Learning (DELTA), Final Report, DG XIII, 1995 TIDE - Technology initiative for disabled and elderly people: Pilot action synopsis, March 1993 TIDE News, no.2, March 1993 I&T Magazine, No.17, July 1995 (The information society: practical applications) Cordis Focus, from issue No. 39, 2nd June, 1995 onwards ... as well as much more information on specific programmes.... VI. Other Publications: 1. Generally related: Bangemann, M. et al.: Europe and the global information society - Recommendations to the European Council, a report prepared for the European Council meeting 24-25 June 1994 Heinzmann, P., Schneider, Ch. and Giger, M.: Weltweites Informations-Management in der Praxis; Technologie-Transfer-Seminar am Interkantonalen Technikum Rapperswil (ITR), Nov.1994 book: Karlsson, M. & Sturesson, L. (eds.) (1995): The World's Largest machine - Global Telecommunications and the Human Condition, Department of Technology and Social Change, Linköping University, Carlsson Bokförlag, Stockholm book: Mansell, R. (1993): The New Telecommunications - A Political Economy of Network Evolution, SAGE, London SIGNAL - Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, special issue, winter 1994/95 SIGNAL - Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, issue Nr.1, winter 1994/95 Williamson, K.: I can tell you a remedy for migraines - Telecommunication and the information and communication needs of older adults, RMIT Telecommunications needs research group, Faculty of Social Sciences and Communications, Melbourne, Australia, 1994 2. Regulars/ Odds Convergence Europe, News Analysis, Issue 101& 102 (November 17 & 30, 1995) & sample from October & November issues spectrum (1995) - The quarterly magazine of the independent television commission; Spring, Summer Cordis focus - The Commission R&D news; starts with No.39, 2 June, 1995 The European Commission / Background Report: 'Progress in the Telecommunications Sector', July 1995 Commission Europeenne, Direction Générale XIII, Commissariat général du Plan; : - Dalloz, X. & Portnoff, A.-Y. (1995): 'Les promesses de l'Unimédia', seance du 14 septembre 1995 - Flichy, P.(1995): 'L'action socio-technique',seance du 14 septembre 1995 - Boullier, D. (1995): ' Les Enjeux de la telemedicine - L'accčs aux soins', seance du 19 octobre 1995 - Thierry, J.P. (1995): ' Les Enjeux de la telemedicine - La télémédecine enjeux médicaux et industriels', seance du 19 octobre 1995 - Mallein, P. & Toussaint, Y. (1996), 'L'intégration sociale des technologies d'information et de communication: une sociologie des usages', seance du 25 janvier 1996 - Le Roch, I. (1996): 'Rural, banlieue, ville et technologies de l'information', seance du 25 janvier 1996 - Negrier, E. (1996): 'Pouvoir Régional et Télécommunications', seance du 21 mars 1996 - Mignot-Lefebvre, Y. (1996): 'Technologies de Communication et d'Information - une nouvelle donne internationale?', seance du 21 mars 1996 3. Magazines Media Perspektiven, from 1/1996 onwards, Arbeitsgemeinschaft der ARD- Werbegesellschaften (eds.), Frankfurt => special: Daten zur Mediensituation in Deutschland 1995 New Media Age, from November 2, 1995 onwards Screen Digest, from January 1994 onwards 4. European Statistics Basic Statistics of the European Union, 32nd edition, 1995, eurostat, Luxembourg Europe in Figures, 4th edition, 1992, eurostat, Luxembourg Eurostat Yearbook '95 - A statistical eye on Europe 1983-1993, 1995, eurostat, Luxembourg