IV. EMTEL-Network member publications:

IV.1. Studies / Papers:

Berg, A.-J.(1994): A gendered socio-technical construction: the smart house, in: Cockburn, C. & Fürst Dilic, R.(ed.): Bringing Technology Home - Gender and technology in a changing Europe, Open University Press, Buckingham, Philadelphia

Berg, A.-J. (1994): From Here to Where? "Trajectory or Transformation" II, in: Berg, A.-J. & Aune, M (eds.) Proceedings from the COST A4 workshop in Trondheim, Domestic Technology and Everyday Life: Mutual Shaping Processes, 1994, Brussels, EC Directorate General: Science, Research and Development, pp.1-6

Berg, A.-J. (1994): Technological flexibility: bringing gender into technology (or was it the other way round?), in: Cockburn, C. & Fürst Dilic, R.(ed.): Bringing Technology Home - Gender and technology in a changing Europe, Open University Press, Buckingham, Philadelphia

Burgelman, J.-C.: Politics and the media: how relative can the autonomy be?, in: Burgelman, J.-C. and Verhoest, P.(1994): Les services publics de communication en Belgique: (1830-1994), Réseaux n.66 CNET

Burgelman, J.-C. (1991): Accessing information technologies in the information society: the possible relevance of communication science and research, in: Calabrese, A., Splichal, S. & Sparks, C. (1991): Information Society and civil society, Purdue University Press, Purdue.

Coutras, J. et.al. (1992): Culture, technology and modernization of everyday life - a research programme, Paris, April 1992

Coutras, J. et.al. (1994): Compétence et Technologies de la Vie Quotidienne, working papers from a meeting in Paris (T.D.C.M.) on the 10th December 1993, published May 1994

Coutras, J., Lacascade, J.L., Mercier, P.A., Meyer, S., Toureau, R., Schulze, E. (1991): Project Presentation: "Domus and Technologies - Changes and Continuity. A Comparison between Berlin and Paris 1960-1990 (Joint Study CNRS-TU Berlin)", in: Monsi, K. (ed.): The Private Household in Technology Research, papers of the French-German workshop, Paris, 6-7 December, 1990, Arbeitspapier No.10, IWT, Wuppertal, pp.4-13

Haddon, L. (1996): The Significance of Telework, paper presented at the 'The Living Home '96' Conference, RMDP, London Gatwick Airport Hilton , 20-21 March

Haddon, L. (1995): The Role of Paradigms in the Development of Household Technologies, paper presented for the Conference 'Closure in the Social Process of Technology. Guiding Vision, Paradigm, Standard', Frankfurt/Main, 22-23 June

Haddon, L. (1995): ‘The Home of the Future Today: The Social Origins of the Intelligent Home’ in: Esser, J., Fleischmann, G. and Heimer, Th.(eds.): Soziale und Ökonomische Konflikte in Standardisierungsprozessen, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/Main, pp.89-104

Haddon, L. (1995): Information and Communication Technologies: A View from the Home, paper prepared for the PICT International Conference on the Social and Economic Implications of Information and Communication Technologies, Westminster, London, 10-12 May

Haddon, L. (1995): Empirical Research on the Domestic Phone: A Literature Review, TeleDanmark Research, Hørsholm, January

Haddon, L. (1994): The Phone in the home: Ambiguity, Conflict and Change, paper presented at the COST 248 Workshop: ‘The European Telecom User’, April 13-14th Lund, Sweden

Haddon, L.(1994): ‘Studying Information and Communication Technologies in Teleworking Households’, in: Berg, A. & Aune, M (eds.) Proceedings from the COST A4 workshop in Trondheim, Domestic Technology and Everyday Life: Mutual Shaping Processes, 1994, 69-82, Brussels, EC Directorate General: Science, Research and Development

Haddon, L. (1993): 'Interactive Games' in Hayward, P. and Wollen, T. (eds.) Future Visions: New Technologies on the Screen, British Film Institute Publishing, London, pp.123- 147

Haddon, L. (1992): Clerical Teleworking and Family Life, BT, Martlesham.

Haddon, L. (1992): 'Explaining ICT Consumption: The Case of the Home Computer', in: Silverstone, R. and Hirsch, E. (eds.) Consuming Technologies: Media and Information in Domestic Spaces, Routledge, London, pp.82-96

Haddon, L. (1992): Telework, Gender and Information and Communication Technologies: A Report on Research in Progress, paper presented at the Workshop on 'The Gender- Technology Relation: Contemporary Theory and Research', Brunel University, September 21, 1992

Haddon, L. (1991): 'The Intelligent Home' in Vermore-Rowland, P.et al. (eds.) Investment, Procurement and Performance in Construction, E&FN Spoon, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, London, pp.340-347

Haddon, L. (1991): 'The Cultural Production and Consumption of IT' in McKay, H. et al. (eds.) Understanding Technology in Education, The Falmer Press, London, pp.157-175

Haddon, L. (1991): Disability and Telework, British Telecom Laboratories, Martlesham

Haddon, L. (1991): Researching Gender and Home Computers, in: Technology and Everyday Life: Trajectories and Transformations, proceedings from a Workshop in Trondheim, May 28/29, 1990, NAVF, Oslo, pp.89-108 and in: Vershinskaya, O. (ed.) (1993): Informatization in Social Sphere, proceedings of the Russian-English seminar, Institute for Population Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, pp. 60-73

Haddon, L. (1990): The Origins and Nature of Statistics on Household ICTs, CICT/SPRU Working Paper No. 8, University of Sussex, January

Haddon, L. (1989): Home Automation: Integrating consumer electronics, in: SCREEN DIGEST, November

Haddon, L. (1988): Electronic and Computer Games: The History of an Interactive Medium, in: Screen, Vol.29, No.2, Spring, pp.52-73

Haddon, L. (1988): The Home Computer: The Making of a Consumer Electronic, in: Science as Culture, No.2, pp. 7-51

Haddon, L. and Silverstone, R. (1995): Lone Parents and their Information and Communication Technologies, SPRU/CICT Report Series, No.12, University of Sussex, January

Haddon, L. and Silverstone, R. (1994): The Careers of Information and Communication Technologies in the Home, paper presented at the International Working Conference on Home Orientated Informatics, Telematics and Automation, Copenhagen, June 27-July 1

Haddon, L. & Silverstone, R. (1994): ‘Telework and the Changing Relationship of Home and Work’, in: Mansell, R.(ed.), Management of Information and Communication Technologies: Emerging Patterns of Control, London: Aslib, pp. 234-47 and also in Heap et al.(1995) (eds.) Information Technology and Society: A Reader, Sage, London

Silverstone, R. and Haddon, L. (1993): Future Compatible? Information and Communications Technologies in the Home: A Methodology and Case Study, A Report prepared for the Commission of the European Communities Socio-Economic and Technical Impact Assessments and Forecasts, RACE Project 2086, SPRU/CICT, University of Sussex, October

Haddon, L. and Silverstone, R. (1993): Teleworking in the 1990s: A View from the Home, SPRU/CICT Report Series, No. 10, University of Sussex, August

Haddon, L and Silverstone, R. (1992): Information and Communication Technologies in the Home: The Case of Teleworking, Working Paper 17, SPRU CICT, University of Sussex

Miles, I., Cawson, A. & Haddon, L. (1992): The Shape of Things to Consume, in: Silverstone, R. and Hirsch, E. (eds.) Consuming Technologies: Media and Information in Domestic Spaces, Routledge, London, pp.67-81

Haddon, L. & Lewis, A. (1994): The experience of teleworking: an annotated review, in: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 5:1, Routledge, London, February 1994, pp.193 - 223

Haddon, L. & Skinner, D. (1991): The Enigma of the Micro: Lessons from the British Home Computer Boom, in: Social Science Computer Review, 9:3, Duke University Press, Durham, Fall 1991, pp.435 - 448

Haddon, L. & Miles, I. (1991): Towards a Paperless Society?, a report to the Department of Trade and Industry, PREST, University of Manchester, December

Haddon, L. (ed.): The Intelligent Home - Newsletter, all editions (Vol.1-6), latest: Vol.6, No.3, December 1995

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (1995): Technik...ganz privat - Technikfolgen für Familien, in: Wechselwirkung, remeber eG, Aachen, Jg.17, April/ Mai 1995, pp.56-61

Meyer, S. and Schulze, E. (1995): Forschungsstelle Technik und Familie - project descriptions, Berlin

Meyer, S., Schulze, E., Wilpert, G. (1994): Smart Homes: On the Development, Acceptance and Consequences of Integrated Systems in the Household - A Project in Progress, in: Bjerg, K. & Borreby, K. (eds.): Home-Oriented Informatics, Telematics & Automation, proceedings of a cross-disciplinary international working conference, University of Copenhagen, June 27th-July 1st, 1994, pp.379-386

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E.(1993): Families' Acceptance of New Technologies. Results of a Longitudinal Analysis in Germany, in: Berg, A.-J., Aune, M.: Domestic Technology and Everyday Life - Mutual Shaping Processes, proceedings from COST A4 workshop in Trondheim, Norway, October 28-30, 1993, pp.17-27

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (1993): Technikfolgen für Familien - Längsschnittanalyse und zukünftige Entwicklung, VDI, Düsseldorf, February 1993, im Auftrag des Bundesministers für Forschung und Technologie, Projekt: Technikfolgenabschätzung

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (1993): Frauen in der Modernisierungsfalle - Wandel von Ehe, Familie und Partnerschaft in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, in: Helwig, G. & Nickel, H.M., Frauen in Deutschland 1945-1992, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn, pp.166- 189

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (1992): Technikverbreitung und Techniknutzung in Familien, in: Verbraucherpolitische Hefte, Verbraucherzentrale NRW e.V., Nr.15, Dezember 1992, pp.173-191

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (1992): Familie, Haushalt und Freizeit, in: Anwendungen von Informationstechnik - Entwicklungen und Erwartungen, Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministers für Forschung und Technologie, VDI/VDE, Berlin, April 1992, pp.224-260

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (1992): Téléviseurs contre Machines à Laver, ou l'Influence du Sexe sur l'Évolution technique, in: Gras, A., Joerges, B., Scardigli, V.(eds.): Sociologie des Techniques de la Vie quotidienne, L'Hartmattan, Paris, pp.93-101

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (1992): 'Moderne Technik' im Haushalt - Alltagstechnologien aus historischer Sicht, in: Andritzky, M.: Vom Oikos zum elektronischen Haushalt - Geschichte und Wandel der Haushaltstechnisierung, anabas, Stuttgart, pp.120-123

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (1992): Familie, Haushalt und Freizeit, in: Stransfeld, R. et al (eds.): Anwendungen der Informationstechnik - Entwicklungen und Erwartungen; Büro, Produktion, Verkehr, Umwelt, Medizin, Bildung, Familie-Haushalt-Freizeit, Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministers für Forschung und Technologie, Berlin, pp.231-269

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (1990): Research Unit "Development of Social Relationships" -1981 to 1990, TU-Berlin.

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (1990): Zur Dialektik von Technik und Familie - Stand und Perspektiven der Forschung, in: Technik und Alltag - Beiträge des Workshops am 1./2. Oktober 1990, Verbund Sozialwissenschaftliche Technikforschung, Berlin, Dezember 1990, pp.19-36

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (1990): Fernseher contra Waschmaschine - Wie das Geschlechterverhältnis auf Technik wirkt, in: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Hauswirtschaft und Stiftung Verbraucherinstitut (eds.): Haushalts(t)räume - Ein Jahrhundert Technisierung und Rationalisierung im Haushalt, Königstein i.T., pp.103-108

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (1989): Fernseher contra Waschmaschine - Wie Familienstrukturen auf Technik wirken, in: Wagner, G., Ott, N., Hoffmann-Novotny, H.-J. (eds.): Familienbildung und Erwerbstätigkeit im demographischen Wandel, Berlin / Heidelberg, pp.251-262

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E.: Results of the Inquiry of Two Marriage Cohorts (summary), chapter 3.2 of the mid-term report : "Technology and Family. A Longitudinal Study on the Effects of Technology and the Family, Household and Housing in the 20th Century", pp.1/2

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E.: Ergebnisse der Befragung (chapter 3.1), pp.21-164

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E.: Technik und Arbeit: Zur technischen Entwicklung der Haushaltsgeräte (chapter 3.2), pp.166-234

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E.: Biographical Methods and the Cohort Approach

Meyer, S., Mundorf, N., Schulze, E., Zoche, P.(1994): Families, Information Technologies, and the Quality of Life: German Research Findings, in: Telematics and Informatics, Vol.11, No.2, pp.137-146

Meyer, S., Schulze, E. and Wilpert, G. (1994): Smart Homes: on the development, acceptance, and consequences of integrated systems in the household; project-description, Berlin, July 1994

Bussemer, H.U., Meyer, S., Orland, B., Schulze, E. (1988): Zur technischen Entwicklung von Haushaltsgeräten und deren Auswirkung auf die Familie, in: Tornieporth, G. (ed.), Arbeitsplatz Haushalt. Zur Theorie und Ökologie der Hausarbeit, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin, pp.116-127

Bussemer, H.U., Meyer, S., Orland, B., Schulze, E. (1987): Zur technischen Entwicklung von Haushaltsgeräten und deren Auswirkungen auf die Familie, in: Pierenkemper, T. (ed.): Haushalt und Verbrauch in historischer Perspektive. Zum Wandel des privaten Verbrauchs in Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Sonderdruck, Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, Münster, pp.307-312

Bussemer, H.U., Meyer, S., Orland, B., Schulze, E. (1986): Zur Sozialgeschichte der Haushaltstechnik im 20.Jahrhundert - Kurzfassung des Projekts und erste Thesen, in: Dalhoff, J., Frey, U., Schöll, I. (eds.): Frauenmacht in der Geschichte. Beiträge des Historikerinnnentreffens 1985 zur Frauengeschichtsforschung, Schwann, Düsseldorf, pp.310-317

Meyer, S. & Schulze, E. (?), Technology and Family: A Contribution to the Impact of Gender on Technological Development

Parés I Maicas, M. (1994): Une Approximation aux Multimedia (avec une spéciale référence à l'Espagne et à la Catalogne), paper held at the International Symposium 'La Convergence des techniques de communication; Etat de la question et tendances', Montréal, September/October

Parés I Maicas, M. (ed.) (1994): Cultura y comunicación social: América Latina y Europa Ibérica. Centre d'Investigació de la Comunicació, Monografies i Documents, 12, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona

Parés I Maicas, M. (ed.) (1992): Mass Communication, Cultural Identity, and Cross-Cultural Relations. An International Symposium in Barcelona, 21-23 November 1990, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona

Preston, P. & Lorente, S. (1995): Competing Visions of Information Superhighways in Europe: Implications for Users, paper prepared for the PICT International Conference on the Social and Economic Implications of Information and Communication Technologies, Westminster, London, 10-12 May (2 copies)

Preston, P. & Hall, P. (1988): The information age: Convergent IT in the fifth Kondratieff, 2004-, in: Preston, P. & Hall, P.: The Carrier Wave - New Information Technology and the geography of innovation, 1846-2003, Unwin Hyman, London, pp.265-288

Punie, Y. (1995): Media Use on the Information Highway: Towards a new consumer market or towards increased competition to win round the consumer?, paper prepared for the delivery at the PICT International Conference on the Social and Economic Implications of Information and Communication Technologies, Westminster, London, May 10-12

Punie, Y. (1994): The diffusion of information and communication technology in the micro-context of the home: a user-led approach and conceptual issues, in: Bjerg, K. & Borreby, K.: Home-Oriented Informatics, Telematics and Automation, proceedings of a cross- diciplinary International Working Conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, June 27-July 1, pp.351-361

Punie, Y., Veller, A., Verhoest, P., Burgelman, J.C. (1994): La diffusion des innovations télématiques selon le point de vue des utilisateurs: le cas des petits utilisateurs professionnels, in: TIS (Technologies de L'Information et Société), Vol.6, No.3, pp.219-247

Silverstone, R. (1995): Television and everyday life, Professorial Lecture given at the University of Sussex, 25 May

Silverstone, R. (1995): Media, communication, information and the 'revolution' of everyday life, in: Emmott, S.J.: Information Superhighways - Multimedia users and futures, Academic Press, London, pp.61-78

Silverstone, R. & Schlesinger, P. (1995): Editorial, in: Media, Culture and Society, Vol.17, pp.5-11

Silverstone, R. (1995): Convergence Is a Dangerous Word, in: Convergence, Vol.1, No.1, pp.11-13

Silverstone, R. (1994): Domesticating the revolution - information and communication technologies and everyday life, in: Mansell, R.(ed.), Management of Information and Communication Technologies: Emerging Patterns of Control, London: Aslib, pp.221-233

Silverstone, R. (1994): The Power of the Ordinary: on Cultural Studies and the Sociology of Culture, in: Sociology, Vol.28, No.4, pp.991-1001

Silverstone, R. (1993): Television, ontological security and the transitional object, in: Media, Culture and Society, Vol.15 , pp.573-598

Silverstone, R. (1993): Time, Information and Communication Technologies and the Household, in: TIME & SOCIETY, Vol.2, No.3, pp.283-311

Silverstone, R. (1993): Foreword, in: Petrie, D. & Willis, J. (1995): Television and the Household: Reports from the BFI's Audience Tracking Study, BFI, London, pp.vii-x

Silverstone, R. (1991): From Audiences to Consumers: The Household and the Consumption of Communication and Information Technologies, in: European Journal of Communication, Vol.6, pp.135-154

Silverstone, R. (1991): Communicating Science to the Public, in: Science, Technology and Human Values, Vol.16, No.1, pp.106-110

Silverstone, R., Hirsch, E. & Morley, D. (1990): Information and Communication Technologies and the Moral Economy of the Household, paper presented to the International Communication Association's Annual Conference, Dublin, June 24-29, 1990

Silverstone, R. (1989): Let us the Return to the Murmuring of Everyday Practices: A Note on Michael de Certeau, Television and Everyday Life, in: Theory, Culture and Society, Vol.6, pp.77-94

Silverstone, R. (1989): Television: Text or Discourse?, in: Science as Culture, Vol.6, pp.104-123

Silverstone, R. (1988): Television Myth and Culture, in: Carey, J.W.: Media, Myths, and Narratives, Sage, Newbury Park, London, New Dehli, pp.20-47

Silverstone, R. (1984): Narrative Strategies in television science - a case study, in: Media, Culture and Society, Vol.6, pp.377-410

Silverstone, R. (1983): The right to speak; on a poetic for television documentary, in: Media, Culture and Society, Vol.5, pp.137-154

Silverstone, R. (1976): An Approach to the Structural Analysis of the Television Message, in: Screen, Vol.17, No.2, pp.9-40

Silverstone, R., Hirsch, E., Morley, D. (1992): Information and communication technologies and the moral economy of the household, in: Silverstone, R. and Hirsch, E. (eds.) Consuming Technologies: Media and Information in Domestic Spaces, Routledge, London, pp.15-31, as well as CRICT Discussion Paper, Brunel University, October 1990

Silverstone, R. & Hirsch, E. (1992): Introduction, in: Silverstone, R. and Hirsch, E. (eds.) Consuming Technologies: Media and Information in Domestic Spaces, Routledge, London, pp.1-11

Silverstone, R., Hirsch, E. & Morley, D. (1991): Listening to a long conversation: an ethnographic approach to the study of information and communication technologies in the home, in: Cultural Studies, Vol.5, No.2, pp.204-227 as well as CRICT Discussion Paper, Brunel University, October 1990

Morley, D. & Silverstone, R.: (1990): Domestic Communication - technologies and meanings, in: Media, Culture and Society, Vol.12, pp.31-55

MacDonald, S. & Silverstone, R. (1990): Rewriting the Museums' Fictions: Taxonomies, Stories and Readers, in: Cultural Studies, Vol.4, No.2, pp.176-191

SMIT Annual Report 1995

Sørensen, K,H. (1994): Adieu Adorno: the Moral Emancipation of Consumers, in: Berg, A.-J. & Aune, M (eds.): Domestic Technology and Everyday Life: Mutual Shaping Processes, Proceedings from the COST A4 workshop in Trondheim, Brussels, EC Directorate General: Science, Research and Development, pp.157-169

Sørensen, K.H. (1994): Technology in use. Two essays on the domestification of artifacts. Working paper 2/94, Trondheim

Sørensen, K.H. & Håpnes, T. (1993): Competition and Collaboration in Male Shaping of Computing - A study of a Norwegian hacker culture, STS-Working paper nr. 4/93, University of Trondheim, Dragvoll

Sørensen, K.H. & Berg, A.-J. (eds.) (1991): Technology and Everyday Life: Trajectories and Transformations. Proceedings from a Workshop in Trondheim, May 28-29 1990, NAVF (Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities), Oslo, April 1991

TNO-ITM (1995): Information, Telecommunications and Media Studies (recent research activities overview), Issue No.1

TNO (Centre for Technology and Policy Studies, Apeldoorn): Annual report 1992, Apeldoorn, July 1993

TNO (Centre for Technology and Policy Studies, Apeldoorn): Annual report 1993, ...the nature of the electronic highway and the economic motives behind its development..., Apeldoorn, October 1994

TNO (Centre for Technology and Policy Studies, Apeldoorn): Annual report 1994, Apeldoorn, September 1995

Weijers, T., Cornford, J., Gillespie, A., Huntink, W., Richardson, R.(1994): Shopping and Teleshopping in the UK and the Netherlands, draft version

Weijers, T. et.al. (1992): Telework Remains 'Made to Measure', Futures, Vol.24 (10), 1992, p.1048-1055