Dr Jędrzej Niklas

Dr Jędrzej Niklas

Visiting Fellow

Department of Media and Communications

Connect with me

English, Polish, Swedish
Key Expertise
State and technology; Human rights

About me

Jędrzej Niklas is Research Associate at the Cardiff University School of Journalism, Media and Culture and the Data Justice Lab. His current research explores the role of emerging digital technologies in the operations of state and public institutions and their social justice implications.

Over the last years, Jędrzej has worked across different projects that covered intersections between data, technology and society. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at London School of Economics project "Justice, Equity and Technology" where he studied “hi-tech” discrimination in relation to the norms, values, and practices of European civil society advocates campaigning for equity, social and racial justice, and human rights. He also worked as a researcher at AHCR-funded project "What constitutes ‘good data’ in the creative economy?" (2019) at the University of Leeds, analysing diversity data practices in the gaming industry.

He is author of several journal articles and reports related to data-driven technologies, human rights and political theory. He holds a PhD in law (international public law) from the University of Warsaw. Prior to his academic position for six years he was a legal and policy specialist at the Polish civil society organisation, Panoptykon Foundation addressing policies related to data protection, automated decision-making and surveillance of vulnerable groups. 

During his time at LSE he will work with Dr Seeta Peña Gangadharan

Expertise Details

State and technology; Human rights; Data protection; Data and discrimination; Bureaucracy and public institutions; Surveillance studies; Civil society and participation; Political theory


Research papers

Books - chapters contributed

  • The protection of economic, social and cultural rights in times of economic crisis – the case of European countries (orig. Ochrona praw gospodarczych, społecznych i kulturalnych w czasach kryzysu ekonomicznego – przypadek krajów europejskich), [in:] K. Spryszak, J. Jaskiernia (ed.), Human rights systems in Europe (orig.  Europejskie systemy ochrony praw człowieka ), Toruń 2016.
  • Freedom, tolerance and discrimination in the surveillance society (orig. Wolność, tolerancja i dyskryminacja w społeczeństwie nadzorowanym) [in:] A. Bartuś (ed.), “Limits of Freedom” (orig. “Granice wolności”), Oświęcim 2015.