Claire Milne

Claire Milne

Senior Visiting Fellow

Department of Media and Communications

020 7609 1092
Key Expertise
Telecommunications policy and regulation

About me

A Visiting Senior Fellow in the Department of Media and Communications, Claire Milne has had a long and varied career with telecommunications policy as its central theme. Since 1989 she has worked as an independent consultant, providing policy and regulatory advice in dozens of countries on all continents, including recently in The Bahamas, Bhutan, Myanmar, Somalia and Iraq. In parallel she has served on several public bodies in the UK, including the premium rate service regulator Phone-paid Services Authority (then ICSTIS) and the Internet Watch Foundation. In 2015 she was awarded an MBE for services to the telecommunications sector. Her early career was with BT, where her responsibilities included network engineering, marketing strategy and regulation; she has degrees in Mathematics and Statistics.

During her time at LSE, Claire Milne has worked with Professor Sonia Livingstone and Professor Robin Mansell.

Expertise Details

Public policy for IoT and related technologies; Consumer affairs; Consumer representation; Nuisance calls; Numbering; Telecommunications policy; Telecommunications regulation; Universal service


Claire's abiding interest has been with socially valuable uses of telecommunications and information technologies. This has led to research in the area of universal service and especially affordability of telecommunications. More broadly, she has long been involved with consumer interests in telecommunications, especially through the voluntary sector umbrella body Essential Services Access Network (concerned with consumer vulnerability), and the Consumer Forum for Communications (now based at Ofcom).

Since 2014 she has had a special interest in consumer aspects of the Internet of Things. Since 2001 she has also acted as a domain name Dispute Resolution Expert for Nominet, the .uk domain registry, and since 2008 has been a member of its Expert Review Group.

In 2018 the Scottish Government commissioned her to lead a project on ways of reducing the problems caused by nuisance calls and texts. The published report stresses how harm is focused on a small minority of vulnerable consumers. LSE's Media Policy Project hosts a Policy Briefing and blogs on this topic, and StepChange Debt Charity a report it commissioned on international activities in this area.

She is also involved in broader ICT policy issues as an Advisory Board Member of the Internet Commission, and through the Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council to the OECD, where she contributes particularly to the Working Party on Communication, Infrastructures and Services Policy. Recent involvements include the British Standards Institute’s Consumer and Public Interest Network and the policy charity Sustainability First.


From 2010 to 2018 Claire taught (until 2015 with Dr David Souter, and then with Dr Savita Bailur and Dr Jane Vincent) the master's level course MC405Policies for ICTs, Society and Development. This half unit option provided practitioner perspectives both on issues within the communications sector and on issues with broader social and economic implications. She enjoys supervising dissertations, whether within or near her areas of expertise, and helping students to improve their academic written English.


Selected Publications

Chapter and materials on Consumer Affairs in Digital Regulation Handbook and Platform 2020. For the International Telecommunications Union.

Effectiveness of actions to reduce harm from nuisance calls in Scotland, 2018. For the Scottish Government.

Combatting nuisance calls and texts: a comparative policy study of practices in multiple countries, 2015. For StepChange Debt Charity.

Mobile: a powerful tool for digital inclusion, 2014. With Robert Kenny, through Communication Chambers,  for Vodafone.

Costs and Benefits of Superfast Broadband in the UK, 2012. With Robert Milne and Paolo Dini, through LSE Enterprise for Convergys Smart Revenue Solutions.

DCMS Communications Review – the Consumer Perspective, 2012. Consultation response.

Are telecommunication services universally affordable across the EU?, 2010. With David Lewin, through Plum for Vodafone.

The importance of mobile providers as information gatekeepers 2009. Article commissioned by IKM Emergent.

'Great expectations?: Regulating for users in the United Kingdom and Australia', 2009. With Gerard Goggin, in Telecommunications Journal of Australia, volume 59, number 3: 47.1-47.15.

Chapter 6,  'Affordability case study',  2009. In Future Consumer: emerging consumer issues in telecommunications and convergent communications and media, Australian Communications Consumer Action Network.

The mobile call termination rate debate: implications for consumers, 2008. For Communications Consumer Panel.

'Re-thinking universal service policy for the digital era', 2008.  With Claudio Feijoo, guest editor of special issue of info, volume 10 number 5/6, and co-author of Guest Editorial (introduction) and Conclusions.

Parts of ICT regulatory tool kit module 4: universal access and service, 2007-8. With Robert Milne and Intelecon for InfoDev.

Telecoms demand: measures for improving affordability in developing countries. A toolkit for action 2006 With Robin Mansell et al. World Dialogue on Regulation for Network Economies.

Towards defining and measuring affordability of utilities, 2004. Discussion paper for the Public Utilities Access Forum.

Improving IP connectivity in the least developed countries, 2002. Meeting report for ITU.

The costs of internet access in developing countries - main report 2001.  Report for DFID.

'Affordability of basic telephone service: an income distribution approach', 2000. In Telecommunications Policy, volume 24, number 10, 907-927.

'Sustainable enlargement of public access', 2000. Chapter 4 of Universal Community Service: Access For All To Internet Services At Community Level. Meeting report edited with Sean Creighton for the Council of Europe.

Chapter 5, 'Universal access' 1999. In Trends in telecommunications reform: convergence and regulation, ITU.

'Stages of universal service policy', 1998. In Telecommunications Policy, volume 22, number 9, 775-780.

Meeting universal service obligations in a competitive telecommunications sector, 1994. With Martin Cave and Mark Scanlan, report to CEC/DGIV.