Principal Investigator: Panos Kanavos (PI for one work package)
Leading Partner: Bocconi University - Italy
Start Date: 01 January 2023
End Date: 31 December 2025
Region: Europe
Keywords: Health Innovation, Health Policy, Pricing and Payment models, patient access, Pricing and Reimbursement, Healthcare system, Equity, Pharmaceutical policy
The variety of innovative technologies with the potential to revolutionize the delivery of health care means that the policy toolbox will need several pricing and payment models, adapted in their design and implementation according to the specific situation. Although there are examples of novel pricing and payment models, the lack of appropriate data infrastructure, legal barriers and unwillingness to adapt current systems often prevent their use.
Therefore, the overall objectives of the Health Innovation Next Generation Pricing Models (HI – PRIX) project are:
- to map and formulate new pricing and payment schemes that can be used across technology classes, therapeutic areas, setting and healthcare systems/geographies together with a related set of principles that may guide successful adjustment and flexible implementation to the context of use;
- to investigate the impact on competitiveness, innovation, equity and affordability of a pipeline of contracting modalities for health innovations;
- to address the challenges and concerns of payers, manufacturers, healthcare professionals, and patients about different models of pricing by sustaining an effective dialogue across stakeholders’ groups about the trade-offs between affordability, innovation and patient access.
Through theoretical models, quantitative simulation, qualitative research work and case-studies, this three-year project structured around 10 WPs, will generate new evidence on the role of public sector in R&D and indirect medical and environmental costs in pricing and reimbursement determinations, on the pricing dynamics over pharmaceutical products’ lifecycle, on the impact of policies and incentives on the competitiveness, innovativeness and equity in the healthcare system.