Creating lists

  1. Select the paragraphs you want to become list items

  2. Click the Bullets icon on the main toolbar to turn the selected paragraphs into a bulleted (unordered) list, or click the Numbering icon on the main toolbar to turn the selected paragraphs into a numbered (ordered) list.

  3. To turn items into a list-within-a-list (a nested list) you need to click the Increase Indent icon twice. On the second click the selected list items become part of a new list and the numbering of the outer list changes accordingly.

  4. To change the style of nested list items:

    1. Right-click over the selected area and  select List Properties

    2. Click the appropriate format

    3. Click OK.

Screenshot of List Properties dialogue box

If you wish to add a line break after each list item, insert two single line breaks ('Shift' + 'Enter' twice) then a paragraph return ('Enter') at the end of each line.

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