Content pages and text formatting

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Archive of FrontPage 'Content pages and text formatting' information:

The top level and second level pages are designed to push users to content pages. As the name suggests, the purpose of these pages is to provide content to the user in an easy to understand and scannable way. 

In terms of formatting, you have some freedom but it is important to keep the limitations of HTML and accessibility issues in mind. For some commonly used styles of content pages, there is a set format - see Who's who style, A to Z of services style and Frequently asked questions (FAQs) style. For all other content pages, these guidelines will help:

Headings and subheadings

Pages are typically divided into sections and subsections. Each section is usually started with a heading. The hierarchy of headings is limited to five starting with H2 - the most important - and finishing with H6 - the least important. You should use them in the following way:

Text layout - lists and paragraphs

Text layout should be restricted to either paragraphs or lists.


Paragraphs are single blocks of text which flow from left to right, often running to more than one line, and have a single blank line above and below. To format paragraphs within LSE website style:


Lists are either unordered, where each list item is prefixed with a bullet, or ordered, where each list item is prefixed by a number, letter or roman numeral. To format lists within LSE website style:

Text formatting

Within text, there are a number of options available to emphasise text:


When using tables you should ensure that the cell with the name of the column is set as the 'Header cell'. This can be done in FrontPage via the cell properties function.

As a rule the settings in Table Properties should be as follows: Cell padding = 5; Cell spacing = 0. Text within cells should be vertically aligned to the top of the cell.

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