/* *** This do file creates the replication results for Natural Resources and Civil War: Another Look with New Data (with Indra De Soysa), Conflict Management and Peace Science, 24(3), 2007, pp. 201-218 Eric Neumayer (LSE) Please report any errors to e.neumayer@lse.ac.uk */ clear * Correlations among main measures set mem 100m use Fearon2005JCRdataWBformat.dta, clear quietly logit chonset mineralrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb lgdpl igy5 ipeace igeogia lpopl ifrac ietdom if energyrentsgniweb<1 & mineralrentsgniweb>=0 corr sxp mineralrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb if e(sample) use Fearon2005JCRdataWBformat.dta, clear quietly logit chonset mineralrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb lgdpl igy5 ipeace igeogia lpopl ifrac ietdom if energyrentsgniweb<1 & mineralrentsgniweb>=0 corr Oil mineralrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb if e(sample) * Table 1 use Fearon2005JCRdata.dta, clear quietly logit chonset isxp isxp2 lgdpl igy5 ipeace igeogia lpopl ifrac ietdom su chonset isxp lgdpl igy5 ipeace igeogia lpopl ifrac ietdom if e(sample) use Fearon2005JCRdataWBformat.dta, clear quietly logit chonset mineralrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb lgdpl igy5 ipeace igeogia lpopl ifrac ietdom if energyrentsgniweb<1 & mineralrentsgniweb>=0 su mineralrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb if e(sample) use FearonLaitin2003APSRdata.dta, clear quietly logit onset Oil warl gdpenl lpopl1 lmtnest ncontig nwstate instab ethfrac relfrac anocl deml su onset warl Oil gdpenl lpopl1 lmtnest ncontig nwstate instab ethfrac relfrac anocl deml if e(sample) use FearonLaitin2003APSRdataextended.dta, clear quietly logit civwaronsetnewwars Oil priorcivwar gdpenl lpopl1 lmtnest ncontig nwstate instab ethfrac relfrac anocl deml su civwaronsetnewwars priorcivwar if e(sample) quietly logit onset mineralrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb warl gdpenl lpopl1 lmtnest ncontig nwstate instab ethfrac relfrac anocl deml if energyrentsgniweb<=1 & mineralrentsgniweb>=0 su mineralrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb if e(sample) * Table 2 use Fearon2005JCRdata.dta, clear logit warsa sxp sxp2 lngdp_ gy1 peace geogia lnpop frac etdo4590 outreg using c:\table2, 3aster replace su warsa if e(sample) logit chonset isxp isxp2 lgdpl igy5 ipeace igeogia lpopl ifrac ietdom outreg using c:\table2, 3aster append su chonset if e(sample) use Fearon2005JCRdataWBformat.dta, clear logit chonset mineralrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb lgdpl igy5 ipeace igeogia lpopl ifrac ietdom if energyrentsgniweb<1 & mineralrentsgniweb>=0 outreg using c:\table2, 3aster append su chonset if e(sample) logit chonset mineralrentsgniweb mineralrentsgniweb2 energyrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb2 lgdpl igy5 ipeace igeogia lpopl ifrac ietdom if energyrentsgniweb<1 & mineralrentsgniweb>=0 outreg using c:\table2, 3aster append su chonset if e(sample) * Table 3 use FearonLaitin2003APSRdata.dta, clear logit onset Oil warl gdpenl lpopl1 lmtnest ncontig nwstate instab ethfrac relfrac anocl deml outreg using c:\table3, 3aster replace su onset if e(sample) use FearonLaitin2003APSRdataextended.dta, clear logit onset mineralrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb warl gdpenl lpopl1 lmtnest ncontig nwstate instab ethfrac relfrac anocl deml if energyrentsgniweb<=1 & mineralrentsgniweb>=0 outreg using c:\table3, 3aster append su onset if e(sample) logit onset mineralrentsgniweb mineralrentsgniweb2 energyrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb2 warl gdpenl lpopl1 lmtnest ncontig nwstate instab ethfrac relfrac anocl deml if energyrentsgniweb<=1 & mineralrentsgniweb>=0 outreg using c:\table3, 3aster append su onset if e(sample) logit onset Oil warl gdpenl lpopl1 lmtnest ncontig nwstate instab ethfrac relfrac anocl deml if e(sample) outreg using c:\table3, 3aster append su onset if e(sample) * Table 4 logit uponsetbulhaug Oil upwar_lagbulhaug gdpenl lpopl1 lmtnest ncontig nwstate instab ethfrac relfrac anocl deml outreg using c:\table4, 3aster replace su uponsetbulhaug if e(sample) logit uponsetbulhaug mineralrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb upwar_lagbulhaug gdpenl lpopl1 lmtnest ncontig nwstate instab ethfrac relfrac anocl deml if energyrentsgniweb<=1 & mineralrentsgniweb>=0 outreg using c:\table4, 3aster append su uponsetbulhaug if e(sample) logit uponsetbulhaug mineralrentsgniweb mineralrentsgniweb2 energyrentsgniweb energyrentsgniweb2 upwar_lagbulhaug gdpenl lpopl1 lmtnest ncontig nwstate instab ethfrac relfrac anocl deml if energyrentsgniweb<=1 & mineralrentsgniweb>=0 outreg using c:\table4, 3aster append su uponsetbulhaug if e(sample) logit uponsetbulhaug Oil upwar_lagbulhaug gdpenl lpopl1 lmtnest ncontig nwstate instab ethfrac relfrac anocl deml if e(sample) outreg using c:\table4, 3aster append su uponsetbulhaug if e(sample)