/* *** This do file creates the replication results for the CO2 part of Examining the Impact of Demographic Factors On Air Pollution (with Matthew A. Cole), Population and Environment, 26 (1), 2005, pp. 5-21 Eric Neumayer (LSE) Please report any errors to e.neumayer@lse.ac.uk */ use "Article for Population and Environment (CO2).dta", replace xi: xtpcse chlnco2 chlnpop chlngdppc chlnindsh chlneint i.year if year>1975, xi: xtpcse chlnco2 chlnpop chlnpop2 chlngdppc chlnindsh chlneint i.year if year>1975, xi: xtpcse chlnco2 chlnpop chlnshareu14 chlnshareb1564 chlngdppc chlnindsh chlneint i.year if year>1975, xi: xtpcse chlnco2 chlnpop chlnshareu14 chlnshareb1564 chlnurbanpopshare chlngdppc chlnindsh chlneint i.year if year>1975, xi: xtpcse chlnco2 chlnpop chlnshareu14 chlnshareb1564 chlnurbanpopshare chlnhouseholdsizeinter chlngdppc chlnindsh chlneint i.year if year>1975