/* *** This do file creates the replication results for Extra-territorial interventions in conflict spaces: Explaining the geographies of post-Cold War peacekeeping (with Richard Perkins), Political Geography, 27 (8), 2008, pp. 895-914 Eric Neumayer (LSE) Please report any errors to e.neumayer@lse.ac.uk */ use "Article for Political Geography (peacekeeping).dta", replace ** Table 1 * Model 1: without spatial lag logit troopssend polity2sender ptssender distance1000km contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia bilattradetogdpsender pacsett sendersharediaspora cincsender gdpconstpcsender if samedyad==0 & year>=1990 & inc_highoecd_location==0 & multpeacekeeptroops90on==1, robust cluster(dyadid) capture listcoef, help percent * Model 2: with spatial lag logit troopssend polity2sender ptssender distance1000km contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia bilattradetogdpsender pacsett sendersharediaspora cincsender gdpconstpcsender regionsendertroopsrate if samedyad==0 & year>=1990 & inc_highoecd_location==0 & multpeacekeeptroops90on==1, robust cluster(dyadid) capture listcoef, help percent ** Table 2 * Model 1: without spatial lag, without democracy in first stage, clustered on dyad heckprob troopssend polity2sender ptssender distance1000km contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia bilattradetogdpsender pacsett sendersharediaspora cincsender gdpconstpcsender if samedyad==0 & year>=1990 & inc_highoecd_location==0, sel( multpeacekeeptroops90on= bdeadbes5yearsum refugeespcnomissing ceasenomissing westandruscoldummy reg_eap reg_eca reg_mena reg_sa reg_lac resourcespergniinter year ) robust cluster(dyadid) * Model 2: without spatial lag, with democracy in first stage, clustered on dyad heckprob troopssend polity2sender ptssender distance1000km contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia bilattradetogdpsender pacsett sendersharediaspora cincsender gdpconstpcsender if samedyad==0 & year>=1990 & inc_highoecd_location==0, sel( multpeacekeeptroops90on= bdeadbes5yearsum refugeespcnomissing ceasenomissing westandruscoldummy reg_eap reg_eca reg_mena reg_sa reg_lac resourcespergniinter year polity2location ) robust cluster(dyadid) * Model 1: without spatial lag, without democracy in first stage, clustered on country of peacekeeping location heckprob troopssend polity2sender ptssender distance1000km contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia bilattradetogdpsender pacsett sendersharediaspora cincsender gdpconstpcsender if samedyad==0 & year>=1990 & inc_highoecd_location==0, sel( multpeacekeeptroops90on= bdeadbes5yearsum refugeespcnomissing ceasenomissing westandruscoldummy reg_eap reg_eca reg_mena reg_sa reg_lac resourcespergniinter year ) robust cluster(countrylocation) * Model 2: without spatial lag, with democracy in first stage, clustered on country of peacekeeping location heckprob troopssend polity2sender ptssender distance1000km contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia bilattradetogdpsender pacsett sendersharediaspora cincsender gdpconstpcsender if samedyad==0 & year>=1990 & inc_highoecd_location==0, sel( multpeacekeeptroops90on= bdeadbes5yearsum refugeespcnomissing ceasenomissing westandruscoldummy reg_eap reg_eca reg_mena reg_sa reg_lac resourcespergniinter year polity2location ) robust cluster(countrylocation) * with spatial lag * Model 3: with spatial lag, without democracy in first stage, clustered on dyad heckprob troopssend polity2sender ptssender distance1000km contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia bilattradetogdpsender pacsett sendersharediaspora cincsender gdpconstpcsender regionsendertroopsrate if samedyad==0 & year>=1990 & inc_highoecd_location==0, sel( multpeacekeeptroops90on= bdeadbes5yearsum refugeespcnomissing ceasenomissing westandruscoldummy reg_eap reg_eca reg_mena reg_sa reg_lac resourcespergniinter year) robust cluster(dyadid) * Model 4: with spatial lag, with democracy in first stage, clustered on dyad heckprob troopssend polity2sender ptssender distance1000km contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia bilattradetogdpsender pacsett sendersharediaspora cincsender gdpconstpcsender regionsendertroopsrate if samedyad==0 & year>=1990 & inc_highoecd_location==0, sel( multpeacekeeptroops90on= bdeadbes5yearsum refugeespcnomissing ceasenomissing westandruscoldummy reg_eap reg_eca reg_mena reg_sa reg_lac resourcespergniinter year polity2location ) robust cluster(dyadid) * Model 3: with spatial lag, without democracy in first stage, clustered on country of peacekeeping location heckprob troopssend polity2sender ptssender distance1000km contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia bilattradetogdpsender pacsett sendersharediaspora cincsender gdpconstpcsender regionsendertroopsrate if samedyad==0 & year>=1990 & inc_highoecd_location==0, sel( multpeacekeeptroops90on= bdeadbes5yearsum refugeespcnomissing ceasenomissing westandruscoldummy reg_eap reg_eca reg_mena reg_sa reg_lac resourcespergniinter year ) robust cluster(countrylocation) * Model 4: with spatial lag, with democracy in first stage, clustered on country of peacekeeping location heckprob troopssend polity2sender ptssender distance1000km contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia bilattradetogdpsender pacsett sendersharediaspora cincsender gdpconstpcsender regionsendertroopsrate if samedyad==0 & year>=1990 & inc_highoecd_location==0, sel( multpeacekeeptroops90on= bdeadbes5yearsum refugeespcnomissing ceasenomissing westandruscoldummy reg_eap reg_eca reg_mena reg_sa reg_lac resourcespergniinter year polity2location ) robust cluster(countrylocation) ** Robustness test: rare events logit * without spatial lag relogit troopssend polity2sender ptssender distance1000km contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia bilattradetogdpsender pacsett sendersharediaspora cincsender gdpconstpcsender if samedyad==0 & year>=1990 & inc_highoecd_location==0 & multpeacekeeptroops90on==1, cluster(dyadid) * with spatial lag relogit troopssend polity2sender ptssender distance1000km contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia bilattradetogdpsender pacsett sendersharediaspora cincsender gdpconstpcsender regionsendertroopsrate if samedyad==0 & year>=1990 & inc_highoecd_location==0 & multpeacekeeptroops90on==1, cluster(dyadid)