/* *** This do file creates the replication results for Is the internet really new after all? The determinants of telecommunications diffusion in historical perspective (with Richard Perkins), The Professional Geographer, 63 (1) 2011, pp. 55-72 Eric Neumayer (LSE) Please report any errors to e.neumayer@lse.ac.uk */ use "Article for PG (telecomm).dta", replace * Table 2 xtreg internetuserspcigrowth llninternetuserspc lngdppcpppconst primaryenrol polcon5 tradetogdp year_dum195-year_dum206 , re robust xtreg mailitemspcgrowth llnmailitemspc lngdppcmaddison primstudentspc polcon3 trade1990gdp year_dum75-year_dum196 , re robust xtreg telegramspcgrowth llntelegramspc lngdppcmaddison primstudentspc polcon3 trade1990gdp year_dum75-year_dum173 if year<1970, re robust xtreg telephonespcgrowth llntelephonespc lngdppcmaddison primstudentspc polcon3 trade1990gdp year_dum95-year_dum196 , re robust * Table 3 xtreg internetuserspcigrowth llninternetuserspc lngdppcpppconst primaryenrol polcon5 tradetogdp year_dum195-year_dum206 , fe robust xtreg mailitemspcgrowth llnmailitemspc lngdppcmaddison primstudentspc polcon3 trade1990gdp year_dum75-year_dum196 , fe robust xtreg telegramspcgrowth llntelegramspc lngdppcmaddison primstudentspc polcon3 trade1990gdp year_dum75-year_dum173 if year<1970, fe robust xtreg telephonespcgrowth llntelephonespc lngdppcmaddison primstudentspc polcon3 trade1990gdp year_dum95-year_dum196 , fe robust * Table 4 xtabond lninternetuserspc lngdppcpppconst primaryenrol polcon5 year_dum195-year_dum206 , robust maxldep(11) maxlags(11) pre(tradetogdp, endog) estat abond xtabond lnmailitemspc lngdppcmaddison primstudentsipc polcon3 year_dum75-year_dum196 , robust maxldep(11) maxlags(11) pre(trade1990gdp, endog) estat abond xtabond lntelegramspc lngdppcmaddison primstudentspc polcon3 year_dum75-year_dum173 if year<1970, robust maxldep(11) maxlags(11) pre(trade1990gdp, endog) estat abond xtabond lntelephonespc lngdppcmaddison primstudentspc polcon3 year_dum95-year_dum196 , robust maxldep(11) maxlags(11) pre(trade1990gdp, endog) estat abond