************************************************************************************************** *** This do file creates the replication results for *** Corruption and Climate Change Policies: Do the Bad Old Days Matter? */ *** Per G. Fredriksson (University of Louisville) */ *** Eric Neumayer (LSE) */ *** */ *** Published in: Environmental and Resource Economics, 63 (2), 2016, pp. 451-469 */ ************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************** /* Note: You have to change "local DIR" to the directory you copy the original stata files contained */ /* in the zip file and then run the do file. */ ************************************************************************************************** drop _all clear matrix clear mata capture net install outreg2, from(http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/o) /* checks whether outreg2 is installed */ *********************************************************************************** local DIR = "d:\Research\Environment\Political Economy of the Environment\" /*change relative path to the directory where the files are located */ cd "`DIR'" *********************************************************************************** use "Article for ERE (climate policy).dta", replace ***** Corruption stock estimates (ICRG with current corruption, WB without current corruption due to high correlation) ** Table 1 quietly reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_scaled demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust su climi if e(sample) quietly reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust su glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp gdppcgrowth demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw dem_ab0 cdi trade_gdp stabs s_island leg_french leg_socialist leg_german leg_scandivanian wb_corrcap_cont_scaled wb_corr if e(sample) quietly reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust su icrg_corrcap_cont_sc icrg_corr if e(sample) ** Table 2 reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_sc demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 replace reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_scaled demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_sc demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_scaled demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append ** Table 3 reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_sc icrg_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust estat vif outreg2 using table3, excel adjr2 replace reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_sc icrg_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw dem_ab0 if icrg_corr!=., robust estat vif outreg2 using table3, excel adjr2 append reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_scaled wb_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust estat vif outreg2 using table3, excel adjr2 append reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_scaled wb_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw dem_ab0 if wb_corr!=., robust estat vif outreg2 using table3, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_sc icrg_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust estat vif outreg2 using table3, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_sc icrg_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw dem_ab0 if icrg_corr!=., robust estat vif outreg2 using table3, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_scaled wb_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust estat vif outreg2 using table3, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_scaled wb_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw dem_ab0 if wb_corr!=., robust estat vif outreg2 using table3, excel adjr2 append ** Table 4 reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp gdppcgrowth cdi trade_gdp stabs s_island leg_french leg_socialist leg_german leg_scandivanian icrg_corrcap_cont_sc demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table4, excel adjr2 replace reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp gdppcgrowth cdi trade_gdp stabs s_island leg_french leg_socialist leg_german leg_scandivanian icrg_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table4, excel adjr2 append reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp gdppcgrowth cdi trade_gdp stabs s_island leg_french leg_socialist leg_german leg_scandivanian wb_corrcap_cont_scaled demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table4, excel adjr2 append reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp gdppcgrowth cdi trade_gdp stabs s_island leg_french leg_socialist leg_german leg_scandivanian wb_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table4, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp gdppcgrowth cdi trade_gdp stabs s_island leg_french leg_socialist leg_german leg_scandivanian icrg_corrcap_cont_sc demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table4, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp gdppcgrowth cdi trade_gdp stabs s_island leg_french leg_socialist leg_german leg_scandivanian icrg_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table4, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp gdppcgrowth cdi trade_gdp stabs s_island leg_french leg_socialist leg_german leg_scandivanian wb_corrcap_cont_scaled demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table4, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp gdppcgrowth cdi trade_gdp stabs s_island leg_french leg_socialist leg_german leg_scandivanian wb_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table4, excel adjr2 append *** Table 5: Regional jackknives on ICRG measure reg climi if polity2!=. , robust outreg2 using table5, excel adjr2 replace foreach region in reg_eap reg_eca reg_sa reg_mena reg_ssa reg_we reg_na reg_lac { reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_scaled demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=. & `region'==0, robust outreg2 using table5, excel adjr2 append } *** Table 5: Regional jackknives on WB measure reg climi if polity2!=. , robust outreg2 using table6, excel adjr2 replace foreach region in reg_eap reg_eca reg_sa reg_mena reg_ssa reg_we reg_na reg_lac { reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_scaled demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=. & `region'==0, robust outreg2 using table6, excel adjr2 append } *** Table 5: Regional jackknives on ICRG measure reg glo_col if polity2!=. , robust outreg2 using table7, excel adjr2 replace foreach region in reg_eap reg_eca reg_sa reg_mena reg_ssa reg_we reg_na reg_lac { reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_scaled demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=. & `region'==0, robust outreg2 using table7, excel adjr2 append } *** Table 5: Regional jackknives on WB measure reg glo_col if polity2!=. , robust outreg2 using table8, excel adjr2 replace foreach region in reg_eap reg_eca reg_sa reg_mena reg_ssa reg_we reg_na reg_lac { reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_scaled demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=. & `region'==0, robust outreg2 using table8, excel adjr2 append } *** Table 6: Other discount factors reg climi if polity2!=. , robust outreg2 using table9, excel adjr2 replace tempvar discount foreach i in 1 3 9 12 { reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_`i'pc_disc_sc demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=. , robust outreg2 using table9, excel adjr2 append } *** Table 6: Other discount factors reg climi if polity2!=. , robust outreg2 using table10, excel adjr2 replace tempvar discount foreach i in 1 3 9 12 { reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_`i'pc_disc_sc demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=. , robust outreg2 using table10, excel adjr2 append } *** Table 6: Other discount factors reg glo_col if polity2!=. , robust outreg2 using table11, excel adjr2 replace tempvar discount foreach i in 1 3 9 12 { reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_`i'pc_disc_sc demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=. , robust outreg2 using table11, excel adjr2 append } *** Table 6: Other discount factors reg glo_col if polity2!=. , robust outreg2 using table12, excel adjr2 replace tempvar discount foreach i in 1 3 9 12 { reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_`i'pc_disc_sc demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=. , robust outreg2 using table12, excel adjr2 append } *** Additional robustness tests stated in text, but not explicitly reported ** Drop Kyoto Protocol variables from model reg climi co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_sc demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 replace reg climi co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg climi co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_scaled demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg climi co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_sc demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col co2pc gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_scaled demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col co2pc gdp_pc_ppp wb_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append ** Drop CO2 emissions from model reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_sc demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 replace reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_scaled demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg climi kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 gdp_pc_ppp wb_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corrcap_cont_sc demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 gdp_pc_ppp icrg_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if icrg_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 gdp_pc_ppp wb_corrcap_cont_scaled demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append reg glo_col kyoto_pledge2 non_annex1 gdp_pc_ppp wb_corr demcap_ab0_sc_1800onw if wb_corr!=., robust outreg2 using table2, excel adjr2 append