/* *** This do file creates the replication results for Geographic Variations in the Early Diffusion of Corporate Voluntary Standards: Comparing ISO14001 and the Global Compact (with Richard Perkins), Environment and Planning A, 42 (2), 2010, pp. 347-365 Eric Neumayer (LSE) Please report any errors to e.neumayer@lse.ac.uk */ use "Article for EPA (ISO14k and GC).dta", clear ** ISO14000 * No interaction effects xi: xtabond iso14kpc gdpconstpc iso9kpc polity i.year if year<2001, robust pre( iso14kpcexportsslrowst , endog) estat abond xi: xtabond iso14kpc gdpconstpc iso9kpc polity i.year if year<2001, robust pre( iso14kpcfdislrowst, endog) estat abond xi: xtabond iso14kpc gdpconstpc iso9kpc polity i.year if year<2001, robust pre( iso14kpcbusvisslrowst , endog) estat abond * Interaction with polity and gdppc xi: xtabond iso14kpc gdpconstpc iso9kpc polity i.year if year<2001, robust pre( iso14kpcexportsslrowst iso14kpcexp_polity iso14kpcexp_gdpconstpc, endog) estat abond xi: xtabond iso14kpc gdpconstpc iso9kpc polity i.year if year<2001, robust pre( iso14kpcfdislrowst iso14kpcfdi_polity iso14kpcfdi_gdpconstpc, endog) estat abond xi: xtabond iso14kpc gdpconstpc iso9kpc polity i.year if year<2001, robust pre( iso14kpcbusvisslrowst iso14kpcbus_polity iso14kpcbus_gdpconstpc, endog) estat abond ** Global Compact * No interaction effects xi: xtabond gcactivepc gdpconstpc iso14kpc polity i.year , robust pre( gcactivepcexportsslrowst , endog) estat abond xi: xtabond gcactivepc gdpconstpc iso14kpc polity i.year , robust pre( gcactivepcfdislrowst, endog) estat abond xi: xtabond gcactivepc gdpconstpc iso14kpc polity i.year , robust pre( gcactivepcbusvisslrowst , endog) estat abond * Interaction with polity and gdppc xi: xtabond gcactivepc gdpconstpc iso14kpc polity i.year , robust pre( gcactivepcexportsslrowst gcactivepcexp_polity gcactivepcexp_gdpconstpc, endog) estat abond xi: xtabond gcactivepc gdpconstpc iso14kpc polity i.year , robust pre( gcactivepcfdislrowst gcactivepcfdi_polity gcactivepcfdi_gdpconstpc, endog) estat abond xi: xtabond gcactivepc gdpconstpc iso14kpc polity i.year , robust pre( gcactivepcbusvisslrowst gcactivepcbus_polity gcactivepcbus_gdpconstpc, endog) estat abond