************************************************************************************************** *** This do file creates the replication results for *** On the Detrimental Impact of Visa Restrictions on Bilateral Trade and */ *** Foreign Direct Investment */ *** */ *** Eric Neumayer (LSE) */ *** Published in: Applied Geography, 2012 */ ************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************** /* Note: You have to change "local DIR" to the directory you copy the original stata files contained */ /* in the zip file and then run the do file. */ ************************************************************************************************** version 11.0 drop _all clear matrix clear mata set mem 800m set mat 5000 capture net install outreg2, from(http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/o) /* checks whether outreg2 is installed */ *********************************************************************************** local DIR = "C:\Research\Development finance\Busse\" /*change relative path to the directory where the files are located */ cd "`DIR'" *********************************************************************************** use "Article for Applied Geography (visa).dta", clear ** Table 1 xi: reg lntrade lndistw contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia rta comlang diplomatic_rep_sum lnmigrantstock_sum dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa i.country1 i.country2, robust outreg2 using table1, replace excel 2aster test 2*dyad_onevisa =dyad_bothvisa *** Note: The estat command allows you to see the covariance matrix, drop the star before the command line to activate * estat vce xi: heckman lntrade lndistw contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia rta comlang diplomatic_rep_sum lnmigrantstock_sum dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa i.country1 i.country2, select(lndistw contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia rta comlang diplomatic_rep_sum lnmigrantstock_sum dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa i.country1 i.country2) vce(robust) outreg2 using table1, append excel 2aster *** Note: The mfx command takes a long time to run, drop the star before the command line to activate * mfx compute, pred(yc) varlist(dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa contiguity4dummy) xi: reg lnfdistock lndistw contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia rta comlang diplomatic_rep_sum lnmigrantstock_sum bitordtt dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa i.country1 i.country2 , robust outreg2 using table1, append excel 2aster test 2*dyad_onevisa =dyad_bothvisa *** Note: The estat command allows you to see the covariance matrix, drop the star before the command line to activate * estat vce xi: heckman lnfdistock lndistw contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia rta comlang diplomatic_rep_sum lnmigrantstock_sum bitordtt dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa i.country1 i.country2, select(lndistw contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia rta comlang diplomatic_rep_sum lnmigrantstock_sum bitordtt dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa i.country1 i.country2) vce(robust) outreg2 using table1, append excel 2aster *** Note: The mfx command takes a long time to run, drop the star before the command line to activate * mfx compute, pred(yc) varlist(dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa) *** Robustness checks & extensions * Dummy variables for political regime type in both countries included xi: reg lntrade lndistw contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia rta comlang diplomatic_rep_sum lnmigrantstock_sum dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa freedomhouse_bothdem freedomhouse_bothautoc i.country1 i.country2, robust xi: reg lnfdistock lndistw contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia rta comlang diplomatic_rep_sum lnmigrantstock_sum bitordtt dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa freedomhouse_bothdem freedomhouse_bothautoc i.country1 i.country2, robust * Absolute GDPpc difference included xi: reg lntrade lndistw contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia rta comlang diplomatic_rep_sum lnmigrantstock_sum dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa abs_gdppcconst_diff i.country1 i.country2, robust xi: reg lnfdistock lndistw contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia rta comlang diplomatic_rep_sum lnmigrantstock_sum bitordtt dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa abs_gdppcconst_diff i.country1 i.country2 , robust * Log of absolute GDPpc difference included xi: reg lntrade lndistw contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia rta comlang diplomatic_rep_sum lnmigrantstock_sum dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa lnabs_gdppcconst_diff i.country1 i.country2, robust xi: reg lnfdistock lndistw contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia rta comlang diplomatic_rep_sum lnmigrantstock_sum bitordtt dyad_onevisa dyad_bothvisa lnabs_gdppcconst_diff i.country1 i.country2 , robust * Different effects on trade in developing country dyads as opposed to other dyads xi: reg lntrade lndistw contiguity4dummy sameregion coloniallinkplusrussia rta comlang diplomatic_rep_sum lnmigrantstock_sum dyad_onevisa_developingdyad dyad_onevisa_nondevelopingdyad dyad_bothvisa_developingdyad dyad_bothvisa_nondevelopingdyad i.country1 i.country2, robust test dyad_bothvisa_developingdyad= dyad_bothvisa_nondevelopingdyad test dyad_onevisa_developingdyad= dyad_onevisa_nondevelopingdyad