tsset name year * Replication of Models 1-2 (table1) xi: xtregar e0ratiofmpercent e0b_d1 killedtotpop womsocec killedtot_womsocec i.group, outreg using c:\table1, replace se xi: xtregar e0ratiofmpercent e0b_d1 killedtotpop womsocec killedtot_womsocec gdpc durable freedomreversed i.group, outreg using c:\table1, append se * Replication of Models 3-6 (table2) * Developing countries only: xi: xtregar e0ratiofmpercent e0b_d1 killedtotpop womsocec killedtot_womsocec i.group, outreg using c:\table2, replace se xi: xtregar e0ratiofmpercent e0b_d1 killedtotpop womsocec killedtot_womsocec i.group if oecd==0, outreg using c:\table2, append se * Only observations with 10 or more people killed: xi: xtregar e0ratiofmpercent e0b_d1 killedtotpop womsocec killedtot_womsocec i.group if killed_annualsum>=10, outreg using c:\table2, append se xi: xtregar e0ratiofmpercent e0b_d1 killedpop_droughtandfamine womsocec killeddroughtandfamine_womsocec i.group, outreg using c:\table2, append se xi: xtregar e0ratiofmpercent e0b_d1 killedpop_nondroughtandfamine womsocec killednondroughtfamine_womsocec i.group, outreg using c:\table2, append se