China Business Briefing (2)


November 15 Business Briefing-2On 15 November 2017, the second China Business Briefing event, held by the Confucius Institute for Business London (CIBL), took place in LSE library. The Speakers and Chair started arriving at about 18:30 and were welcomed by CIBL China Director, Professor Cheng Weimin, Deputy Director, Dr Lu Hong and Academic Director, Dr Catherine Xiang. At 19:00, the Chair, Professor Kent Deng introduced the speaker and welcomed everyone to the briefing. Afterwards, Dr Catherine Xiang spoke about the new CLCB programme and encouraged guests to pursue language and cultural training with this course.

Ms Lise Bertelsen (Executive Director, China-Britain Business Council) outlined her views on the challenges and opportunities for UK investors in China; Mr Han Ruixiang (UK Chief Executive Officer and Director, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited) shared his outlook on the prospects for Chinese investors in the UK.  The Chair then raised several questions in response to their speeches, such as “Can China and India replace the EU for all that the UK's economic needs after Brexit?”  At last, the floor was open and several people from the audience asked insightful questions to the panel. The briefing was concluded with a reception where speakers engaged in further conversations with the attendees.

November 15 business briefing-1The event was very successful and attended by over 100 representatives from the London Business community.  It provided some key insights into what it takes to do business effectively and sustainably with China.



讲座在伦敦政治经济学院图书馆举办,由伦敦政经学院经济史教授邓钢主持,邀请到的主讲人韩瑞祥先生和Lise Bertelse女士分别来自中国工商银行伦敦分行和中国英国商贸协会。他们各自就自己的专业领域和亲身经历,介绍了中英两国企业在对方国家发展面临的机遇和挑战, 也就印度、中国这样的金砖国家在英国脱欧以后的双边贸易发展等问题提出自己的分析意见,并且在与现场与听众们问答互动。

专家们也都谈到中英商务交往中不能忽视语言文化的作用,韩先生和Bertelse女士还各自引用莎士比亚和孔子的名言,引起现场听众想了解伦敦商务孔子学院在文化交流中发挥的作用 。 孔院教学院长项骅博士借机向大家介绍了孔院重点推出的CLCB项目。


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