Extending the supervisory time horizon through transition plans

Net zero transition plans are set to become one of the most important innovations in prudential supervision of the 2020s. There are three main reasons why net zero transition plans will be key to implementing the Paris Agreement and are, therefore, currently closely studied by prudential supervisors as a next step in greening the financial system. First, transition plans can aid the identification of misalignment with net zero pathways that may result in short- and medium-term risks. Second, a prudential supervision focus on alignment could serve as a proxy for assessing banks’ long-term risk. Third, transition plans can provide supervisors with a better understanding of aggregate alignment of the banking system as a whole.

This event brought together central bankers, supervisors, international organisations as well as private sector stakeholders to discuss how prudential transition plans will help supervisors achieve their objective of safeguarding the stability of the banking system. The event also serves as a launch event for the LSE GRI Policy Report on Net zero transition plans – A supervisory playbook for prudential authorities.

Moderator: Ulrich Volz, Professor of Economics and Director of the Centre for Sustainable Finance, SOAS University of London and LSE GRI Visiting Professor

Report presentation: Profs Agnieszka Smoleńska (Polish Academy of Sciences) and Jens van ‘t Klooster (University of Amsterdam) [10 min]

Panel discussion:

  • Anuschka Hilke (I4CE)
  • Robert Patalano (OECD)
  • Laurent Clerc (ACPR)
  • Morgan Després (European Climate Foundation)

This event has already taken place and so registration is no longer open

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