Side event at the Marrakech Climate Change Conference (COP 22)

Parliamentarians, negotiators and policy experts discuss the findings of the Global climate legislation data and of a new study to be released at the event that analyses the progress with the implementation of the Paris agreement and the legislative gap that needs to be bridged by the G20 countries. They will also share experiences with initiating the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). 

Welcome remarks

Saber CHOWDHURY, MP (Bangladesh), President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

Thematic presentation 

“One year from Paris: Consistency of national mitigation actions with the Paris Agreement and the legislative gap”
Alina AVERCHENKOVA, Co-Head Policy, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science


  • Jo LEINEN, Member of the European Parliament
  • George KHANIRI, Vice-President of the Senate, Kenya
  • Saber CHOWDHURY, Member of Parliament, Bangladesh, and President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
  • Rosaline SMITH, Member of Parliament, Sierra Leone


  • Bob WARD, Policy and Communications Director, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science

A live stream of this event will be available on the day:

Please note start times are local for Morocco. The event will be conducted in English only.

For further details on the Marrakech Climate Change Conference visit the officical COP 22 website.

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