/* *** This do file creates the replication results for Globalization, Women's Economic Rights and Forced Labour (with Indra de Soysa), World Economy, 30 (10), 2007, pp. 1510-1535 Eric Neumayer (LSE) Please report any errors to e.neumayer@lse.ac.uk */ use "Article for World Economy (forced labour).dta", replace * Table 2 quietly nbreg forcedlabour lnrgdpch trade199095 fdistockgdp polrights9095reversed execleft c29 c105 inc_highoecd, robust nolog su forcedlabour busseforced2 trade199095 fdistockgdp lnrgdpch polrights9095reversed execleft c29 c105 if e(sample) corr forcedlabour busseforced2 trade199095 fdistockgdp lnrgdpch polrights9095reversed execleft c29 c105 if e(sample) * Table 5 nbreg forcedlabour trade199095 fdistockgdp lnrgdpch polrights9095reversed execleft c29 c105 inc_highoecd, robust nolog nbreg forcedlabour trade199095 fdistockgdp lnrgdpch polrights9095reversed execleft c29 c105 if inc_highoecd==0, robust nolog nbreg busseforced2 trade199095 fdistockgdp lnrgdpch polrights9095reversed execleft c29 c105 inc_highoecd, robust nbreg busseforced2 trade199095 fdistockgdp lnrgdpch polrights9095reversed execleft c29 c105 if inc_highoecd==0, robust * Table 6 xi: ivreg2 forcedlabour lnrgdpch polrights9095reversed execleft c29 c105 (trade199095 fdistockgdp = lnpop1995 lnarea devcountrycomlanguage bitcum) if inc_highoecd==0, robust fuller(1) first xi: ivreg2 forcedlabour lnrgdpch polrights9095reversed execleft c29 c105 (trade199095 fdistockgdp = lnpop1995 lnarea devcountrycomlanguage bitcum) if inc_highoecd==0, robust fuller(4) first xi: ivreg2 forcedlabour lnrgdpch polrights9095reversed execleft c29 c105 (trade199095 fdistockgdp = lnpop1995 lnarea devcountrycomlanguage bitcum) if inc_highoecd==0, robust liml first xi: ivreg2 busseforced2 lnrgdpch polrights9095reversed execleft c29 c105 (trade199095 fdistockgdp = lnpop1995 lnarea devcountrycomlanguage bitcum) if inc_highoecd==0, robust fuller(1) first xi: ivreg2 busseforced2 lnrgdpch polrights9095reversed execleft c29 c105 (trade199095 fdistockgdp = lnpop1995 lnarea devcountrycomlanguage bitcum) if inc_highoecd==0, robust fuller(4) first xi: ivreg2 busseforced2 lnrgdpch polrights9095reversed execleft c29 c105 (trade199095 fdistockgdp = lnpop1995 lnarea devcountrycomlanguage bitcum) if inc_highoecd==0, robust liml first