************************************************************************************************** *** This do file creates the replication results for *** Spatial Dependence in Asylum Migration */ *** Fabian Barthel (LSE) */ *** Eric Neumayer (LSE) */ *** */ *** Published in: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41 (7), 2015, pp. 1131-1151 */ ************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************** /* Note: You have to change "local DIR" to the directory you copy the original stata files contained */ /* in the zip file and then run the do file. */ ************************************************************************************************** version 12.0 drop _all clear matrix clear mata set mem 800m set mat 5000 capture net install outreg2, from(http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/o) /* checks whether outreg2 is installed */ *********************************************************************************** local DIR = "D:\Research\Development finance\Eric & Fabian\" /*change relative path to the directory where the files are located */ cd "`DIR'" *********************************************************************************** use "Article for JEMS (asylum).dta", clear xtset dyadid year * Table 1 xi: xtreg ln_asylum_seekers2 ln_refugee_stock_91on SL_spsc_ID SL_sptc_hatton_noneg_ID_f SL_sptc_hatton_invnoneg_ID_f cpa_share_filled_zero year#sourceid year#targetid if source!="Czech Republic" & source!="Hungary" & source!="Poland", fe cluster(dyadid) outreg2 using table1, excel replace xi: xtreg ln_asylum_seekers2 ln_refugee_stock_91on SL_spsc_CL_f SL_sptc_hatton_noneg_ID_f SL_sptc_hatton_invnoneg_ID_f cpa_share_filled_zero year#sourceid year#targetid if source!="Czech Republic" & source!="Hungary" & source!="Poland", fe cluster(dyadid) outreg2 using table1, excel append xi: xtreg ln_asylum_seekers2 ln_refugee_stock_91on SL_spsc_comcol SL_sptc_hatton_noneg_ID_f SL_sptc_hatton_invnoneg_ID_f cpa_share_filled_zero year#sourceid year#targetid if source!="Czech Republic" & source!="Hungary" & source!="Poland", fe cluster(dyadid) outreg2 using table1, excel append xi: xtreg ln_asylum_seekers2 ln_refugee_stock_91on SL_spsc_ID SL_spsc_CL_f SL_spsc_comcol SL_sptc_hatton_noneg_ID_f SL_sptc_hatton_invnoneg_ID_f cpa_share_filled_zero year#sourceid year#targetid if source!="Czech Republic" & source!="Hungary" & source!="Poland", fe cluster(dyadid) outreg2 using table1, excel append * Appendix 1 xtset dyadid year quietly xi: xtreg ln_asylum_seekers2 ln_refugee_stock_91on SL_spsc_ID SL_sptc_hatton_noneg_ID_f SL_sptc_hatton_invnoneg_ID_f cpa_share_filled_zero year#sourceid year#targetid if source!="Czech Republic" & source!="Hungary" & source!="Poland", fe cluster(dyadid) su year if e(sample) keep if e(sample) save sample, replace collapse (min) year, by(source) * Appendix 2 use sample, replace collapse (min) year, by(target)